Journal Articles and Letters
[1] A. Stevens and C. Caloz, “Photon transitions in arbitrary time-varying metamaterials,” arXiv:2404.04273, Mar. 2024.
[2] F. Ok, A. Bahrami, and C. Caloz, “Electron scattering at a potential temporal step discontinuity,” Sci. Rep., vol. 14, no. 5559, pp. 1–9, Mar. 2024.
[3] K. De Kinder and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic scattering at an arbitrarily accelerated interface,” arXiv:2404.04273, Feb. 2024.
[4] A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, Z. Li, and C. Caloz, “A generalized FDTD scheme for moving electromagnetic structures with arbitrary space–time configurations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 1721–1734, Feb. 2024.
[5] T. J. Cui, S. Zhang, A. Alù, M. Wegener, J. Pendry, J. Luo, Y. Lai, W. Zuojia, L. Xiao, C. Hongsheng, C. Ping, W. R.-X. Wu, Y. Yuhang, Z. Pengfei, C. Huanyang, L. Yue, Z. Ziheng, N. Engheta, V. S. Asadchy, C. Simovski, S. A. Tretyakov, Y. Biao, D. C. Sawyer, H. Yang, D. H. Werner, S. Shulin, Z. Lei, X. Su, S. Hong-Bo, Z. Z, L. Z. Li, Z. Guoxing, C. Xianzhong, L. Tao, Z.Shi-Ning, Z. Junxiao, Z. Junxiang, L. Zhaowei, Z. Yuchao, Z. Qiming, G. Min, X. Shumin, L. Yongmin, Z. Xiaoyu, T. Yutao, L. Guixin, T. Zentgraf, K. Koshelev, Y. S. Kivshar, X. Li, T. Badloe, H. L. Huang, R. Junsuk, S. Wang, D. P. Tsai, A. Y. Bykov, A. V. Krasavin, A. V. Zayats, M. Cormac, T. Ellenbogen, X. Luo, M. Pu, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Liu, Z. Li, W. Tang, H. F. Ma, J. Zhang, Y. Luo, X. Zhang, H. C. Zhang, P. H. He, L. P. Zhang, X. Wan, H. Wu, S. Liu, W. X. Jiang, X. G. Zhang, C. Qiu, Q. Ma, C. Liu, L. Li, J. Han, L. Li, M. Cotrufo, C. Caloz, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Bahrami, O. Céspedes, E. Galiffi, P. A. Huidobro, Q. Cheng, J. Y. Dai, J. C. Ke, L. Zhang, V. Galdi, and M. D. Renzo, “Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces,” J. Phys.: Photonics, 2024.
[6] Z. Li, X. Ma, A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Space-time Fresnel prism,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 054 029:1–14, Nov. 2023.
[7] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Bahrami, Z. Li, and C. Caloz, “Orthogonal analysis of space-time crystals,” Opt. Lett., vol. 48, no. 16, pp. 4253–4256, Aug. 2023.
[8] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Bahrami, Z. Li, and C. Caloz, “Generalized FDTD scheme for the simulation of electromagnetic scattering in moving structures,” Opt. Express, vol. 31, no. 14, pp. 23 214–23 228, Jul. 2023.
[9] A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Electrodynamics of accelerated-modulation space-time metamaterials,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 054 044:1–15, May 2023.
[10] Z. Li, X. Ma, A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Generalized total internal reflection at dynamic interfaces,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 107, no. 11, pp. 115 129:1–8, Mar. 2023.
[11] M. Dehmollaian, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Transmittable nonreciprocal cloaking,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 014 051:1–13, Jan. 2023.
[12] C. Caloz, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Bahrami, O. Céspedes Vicente, and Z. Li, “Generalized space-time engineered modulation (GSTEM) metamaterials: a global and extended perspective,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1–12, Dec. 2022, invited.
[13] M. Hajiahmadi, R. Faraji-Danaand, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface-based time-reversal focusing for brain tumor microwave hyperthermia,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 12 237–12 246, Dec. 2022.
[14] G. Gradoni, M. D. Renzo, A. Díaz-Rubio, S. Tretyakov, C. Caloz, Z. Peng, A. Alù, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, V. Galdi, T. J. Cui, B. W. Frazier, S. M. Anlage, M. Salucci, A. Massa, Q. Cheng, J. Wang, S. Jin, D. Dardari, N. Decarli, O. Yurduseven, M. Matthaiou, M. Kenney, G. Gordon, O. Georgiou, C. L. Nguyen, E. Martini, S. Maci, H. Wakatsuchi, and S. Phang, “Smart surface radio environments,” Rev. Electromagnetics, vol. 1, pp. 1–42, Nov. 2022.
[15] A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Electrodynamics of accelerated-modulation space-time metamaterials,” arXiv:2208.11506, Aug. 2022.
[16] Z. Li, X. Ma, A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Generalized total internal reflection at dynamic interfaces,” arXiv:2208.07759, Aug. 2022.
[17] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Pseudorandom sequence (space-)time-modulated metasurfaces,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 135–144, Aug. 2022, invited.
[18] G. Lavigne, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface magnetless specular isolator,” Sci. Rep., vol. 12, no. 5652, pp. 1–9, Apr. 2022.
[19] M. Dehmollaian and C. Caloz, “General mapping between complex spatial and temporal frequencies by analytical continuation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6531–6545, Oct. 2021.
[20] A. Patri, K. G. Cognée, L. Haeberlé, V. Menon, C. Caloz, and S. Kéna-Cohen, “Photonic gap antennas based on high-index-contrast slot waveguides,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 044 065:1–11, Oct. 2021.
[21] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Magnetless reflective gyrotropic spatial isolator metasurface,” New J. Phys., vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1–11, Jul. 2021.
[22] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, X. Zheng, and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic wave scattering from a moving medium with stationary interface across the interluminal regime,” Photonics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1–15, Jun. 2021.
[23] O. Céspedes Vicente and C. Caloz, “Bessel beams: unified and extended perspective,” Optica, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 451–457, Apr. 2021.
[24] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Generalized Brewster effect using bianisotropic metasurfaces,” Opt. Express, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 11 361–11 370, Mar. 2021.
[25] G. Nemova and C. Caloz, “Heat evacuation from active Raman media using frequency-selective dissipative coupling,” Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 013 050:1–6, Jan. 2021.
[26] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Spread-spectrum selective camouflaging based on time-modulated metasurface,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 286–295, Jan. 2021.
[27] M. Dehmollaian, Y. Vahabzadeh, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Limitations of the metasurface diluted-slab model,” IEEE J. Multiscale Multiphys. Comput. Tech., vol. 5, pp. 255–264, Dec. 2020.
[28] P. Rocca, A. Alù, C. Caloz, and S. Yang, “Guest editorial: special cluster on space–time modulated antennas and materials,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1838–1841, Nov. 2020.
[29] T. Brown, Y. Vahabzadeh, C. Caloz, and P. Mojabi, “Electromagnetic inversion with local power conservation for metasurface design,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1291–1295, Aug. 2020.
[30] E. Zhang, Y. Cao, C. Caloz, and M. Skorobogatiy, “Improving thermo-optic properties of smart windows via coupling to radiative coolers,” Appl. Opt., vol. 59, no. 13, pp. D210–D220, May 2020.
[31] C. Caloz and A. Sihvola, “Electromagnetic chirality, part II: The macroscopic perspective,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 82–98, Apr. 2020, invited.
[32] T. Brown, C. Narendra, Y. Vahabzadeh, C. Caloz, and P. Mojabi, “On the use of electromagnetic inversion for metasurface design,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1812–1824, Mar. 2020.
[33] C. Caloz and Z.-L. Deck-Léger, “Spacetime metamaterials, part II: Theory and applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1583–1598, Mar. 2020, invited.
[34] C. Caloz and Z.-L. Deck-Léger, “Spacetime metamaterials, part I: General concepts,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1569–1582, Mar. 2020, invited.
[35] C. Caloz and A. Sihvola, “Electromagnetic chirality, part I: The microscopic perspective,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 58–71, Feb. 2020, invited.
[36] M. Dehmollaian, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Comparison of tensor boundary conditions with generalized sheet transition conditions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 7396–7406, Dec. 2019.
[37] A. Patri, S. Kéna-Cohen, and C. Caloz, “Large-angle, broadband and multifunctional directive waveguide scatterer gratings,” ACS Photonics, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 3298–3305, Nov. 2019.
[38] K. Achouri, O. Céspedes Vicente, and C. Caloz, “Solar “meta-sails” for agile optical force control,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 6924–6934, Nov. 2019.
[39] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, N. Chamanara, M. Skorobogatiy, M. G. Silveirinha, and C. Caloz, “Uniform-velocity spacetime crystals,” Adv. Photon., vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 056 002:1–26, Oct. 2019, invited.
[40] O. Quevedo-Teruel, H. Chen, A. Díaz-Rubio, G. Gok, A. Grbic, G. Minatti, E. Martini, S. Maci, G. V. Eleftheriades, M. Chen, N. I. Zheludev, N. Papasimakis, S. Choudhury, Z. A. Kudyshev, S. Saha, H.Reddy, A. Boltasseva, V. M. Shalaev, A. V. Kildishev, D. Sievenpiper, C. Caloz, A. Alù, Q. He, L. Zhou, G. Valerio, E. Rajo-Iglesias, Z. Sipus, F. Mesa, R. Rodríguez-Berral, F. Medina, V. Asadchy, S. Tretyakov, and C. Craeye, “Roadmap on metasurfaces,” J. Opt., vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 073 002:1–44, Jul. 2019.
[41] X. Wang, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, L. Zou, J. Azaña, and C. Caloz, “Microwave Hilbert transformer and its applications in Real-time Analog Processing (RAP),” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 2216–2226, Jun. 2019.
[42] M. Dehmollaian, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Wave scattering by a cylindrical metasurface cavity of arbitrary cross-section: theory and applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 4059–4072, Jun. 2019.
[43] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Scattering at interluminal interface,” arXiv:1904.12959, Apr. 2019.
[44] X. Jia, Y. Vahabzadeh, C. Caloz, and F. Yan, “Synthesis of spherical metasurfaces based on susceptibility tensor GSTCs,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 1558–2221, Apr. 2019.
[45] N. Chamanara, Y. Vahabzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Simultaneous control of the spatial and temporal spectra of light with space-time varying metasurfaces,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2430–2441, Apr. 2019.
[46] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Angle-independent nongyrotropic metasurfaces,” arXiv:1903.11956, Mar. 2019.
[47] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal phase gradient metasurface: principle and transistor implementation,” arXiv:1903.11957, Mar. 2019.
[48] E. Zhang, C. Caloz, and M. Skorobogatiy, “Simple physical models for the partially transparent radiative windows, comparison to the radiative coolers,” arXiv:1906.07638, Feb. 2019.
[49] C. Caloz and A. Alù, “Guest editorial: special cluster on magnetless nonreciprocity in electromagnetics,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 1931–1937, Nov. 2018, invited.
[50] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Unidirectional loop metamaterials (ULM) as magnetless artificial ferrimagnetic materials: principles and applications,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 1943–1947, Nov. 2018.
[51] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Linear pulse compansion using co-propagating space-time modulation,” arXiv:1810.04129, Oct. 2018.
[52] X. Wang, A. Akbarzadeh, L. Zou, and C. Caloz, “Real-time spectrum sniffer for cognitive radio based on Rotman lens spectrum decomposer,” IEEE Access, pp. 52 366–52 373, Oct. 2018.
[53] C. Caloz, A. Alù, S. Tretyakov, D. Sounas, K. Achouri, and Z.-L. Deck-Léger, “Electromagnetic nonreciprocity,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 047 001:1–26, Oct. 2018, invited.
[54] X. Wang, A. Akbarzadeh, L. Zou, and C. Caloz, “Flexible-resolution, arbitrary-input, and tunable Rotman lens spectrum decomposer,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3936–1330, Aug. 2018.
[55] A. Akbarzadeh, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Inverse prism based on temporal discontinuity and spatial dispersion,” Opt. Lett., vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 3297–3300, Jul. 2018.
[56] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Design, concepts, and applications of electromagnetic metasurfaces,” Nanophotonics, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1095–1116, Jun. 2018, invited.
[57] N. Chamanara, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Unusual electromagnetic modes in space-time-modulated dispersion-engineered media,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 063 829:1–9, Jun. 2018.
[58] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Space-wave routing via surface waves using a metasurface system,” Sci. Rep., vol. 8, no. 7549, pp. 1–9, May 2018.
[59] Y. Vahabzadeh, N. Chamanara, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Computational analysis of metasurfaces,” IEEE J. Multiscale Multiphys. Comput. Tech., vol. 3, pp. 37–49, Apr. 2018, invited.
[60] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Akbarzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Wave deflection and shifted refocusing in a medium modulated by a superluminal rectangular pulse,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 97, no. 10, pp. 104 305–1:7, Mar. 2018.
[61] L. Zou and C. Caloz, “Time-reversal routing for dispersion code multiple access (DCMA) communications,” IEEE Access, pp. 9650–9654, Mar. 2018.
[62] G. Lavigne, K. Achouri, V. S. Asadchy, S. A. Tretyakov, and C. Caloz, “Susceptibility derivation and experimental demonstration of refracting metasurfaces without spurious diffraction,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 1321–1330, Mar. 2018.
[63] C. Caloz, “Prof. Itoh’s contributions to metamaterials [Awards],” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 90–91, Mar. 2018.
[64] L. Zou, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Real-time dispersion code multiple access for high-speed wireless communications,” IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 266–281, Jan. 2018.
[65] Y. Vahabzadeh, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Generalized sheet transition co ndition FDTD simulation of metasurface,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 271–280, Jan. 2018.
[66] Q. Zhang, B. Li, R. Das, and C. Caloz, “One-port coupling matrix synthesis for reflection-type devices,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 1086–1088, Dec. 2017.
[67] S. Taravati, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal electromagnetic scattering from a periodically space-time modulated slab and application to a quasisonic isolator,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, no. 16, pp. 165 144:1–11, Oct. 2017.
[68] N. Chamanara, S. Taravati, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Optical isolation based on space-time engineered asymmetric photonic band gaps,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, no. 15, pp. 155 409:1–12, Oct. 2017.
[69] N. Chamanara, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Efficient analysis of metasurfaces in terms of spectral-domain GSTC integral equations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 5340–5347, Oct. 2017.
[70] K. Achouri, Y. Vahabazadeh, and C. Caloz, “Mathematical synthesis and analysis of a second-order magneto-electrically nonlinear metasurface,” Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 16, pp. 19 013–19 022, Aug. 2017.
[71] S. Taravati, B. S. Khan, S. Gupta, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal nongyrotropic magnetless metasurface,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 3589–3597, Jun. 2017.
[72] G. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, T. Guo, C. Caloz, and R. D. Murch, “Dispersive feeding network for arbitrary frequency beam scanning in array antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 3033–2840, Jun. 2017.
[73] A. Al-Bassam, S. Otto, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Broadside dual-channel orthogonal-polarization radiation using a double-asymmetric periodic leaky-wave antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2855–2864, Jun. 2017.
[74] L. Zou, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “A simple picosecond pulse generator based on a pair of step recovery diodes,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 467–469, May 2017.
[75] S. Sandeep, J. M. Jin, and C. Caloz, “Finite element modeling of metasurfaces with generalized sheet transition conditions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 2413–2420, May 2017.
[76] L. Chen, K. Achouri, E. Kallos, and C. Caloz, “Simultaneous enhancement of light extraction and spontaneous emission using partially-reflecting metasurface cavity,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 95, pp. 053 808:1–7, May 2017.
[77] L. Zou, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Loss-gain equalized reconfigurable C-section analog signal processor,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 555–564, Feb. 2017.
[78] S. Taravati and C. Caloz, “Mixer-duplexer-antenna leaky-wave system based on periodic space-time modulation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 442–452, Feb. 2017.
[79] K. Achouri, A. Yahyaoui, S. Gupta, H. Rmili, and C. Caloz, “Dielectric resonator metasurface for dispersion engineering,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 673–680, Feb. 2017.
[80] K. Achouri, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Comparison of two synthesis methods for birefringent metasurfaces,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 120, no. 235305, pp. 1–11, Dec. 2016.
[81] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Perfect dispersive medium for real-time signal processing,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 5299–5308, Dec. 2016.
[82] Y. Vahabzadeh, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Simulation of metasurfaces in finite difference techniques,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 4753–4759, Nov. 2016.
[83] T. Guo, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, R. Wang, and C. Caloz, “Shunt-stub and stepped-impedance broadband reflective phasers,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 807–809, Oct. 2016.
[84] S. Taravati, S. Gupta, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “Enhanced bandwidth and diversity in real-time analog signal processing (R-ASP) using nonuniform C-section phasers,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 663–665, Sep. 2016.
[85] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Graphene transverse electric surface plasmon detection using nonreciprocity modal discrimination,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 94, no. 7, pp. 075 413:1–6, Aug. 2016.
[86] H. Qu, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, C. Caloz, and M. Skorobogatiy, “Frequency generation in moving photonic crystals,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1616–1626, Jul. 2016.
[87] K. Achouri, G. Lavigne, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface spatial processor for electromagnetic remote control,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 1759–1767, May 2016.
[88] C. Caloz, “Tomorrow’s metamaterials: manipulation of electromagnetic waves in space, time and spacetime,” arXiv:1602.04340, Feb. 2016.
[89] K. Achouri, B. A. Khan, S. Gupta, G. Lavigne, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of electromagnetic metasurfaces: principles and illustrations,” EPJ Appl. Metamat., vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 1–11, Jan. 2016, invited.
[90] T. Guo, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, R. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “Single-step tunable group delay phaser for real-time spectrum sniffing,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 808–810, Dec. 2015.
[91] Q. Zhang, T. Guo, B. A. Khan, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Coupling matrix synthesis of nonreciprocal lossless two-port networks using gyrators and inverters,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 2782–2792, Sep. 2015.
[92] H. S. Skulason, D. L. Sounas, F. Mahvash, S. Francoeur, M. Siaj, C. Caloz, and T. Szkopek, “Field effect tuning of microwave Faraday rotation and isolation with large-area graphene,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 107, pp. 093 106:1–6, Sep. 2015.
[93] S. Ding, R. Zang, L. Zou, B. Wang, and C. Caloz, “Enhancement of time-reversal subwavelength wireless transmission using pulse shaping,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 4169–4174, Sep. 2015.
[94] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “General metasurface synthesis based on susceptibility tensors,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 2977–2991, Jul. 2015.
[95] W. Liao, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, and C. Caloz, “Compact reflection-type phaser using quarter-wavelength transmission line resonators,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 391–393, Jun. 2015.
[96] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Space-time cross-mapping and application to wave scattering,” arXiv:1504.02012, May 2015.
[97] S. Gupta, Q. Zhang, L. Zou, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Generalized coupled-line all-pass phasers,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1007–1018, Mar. 2015.
[98] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Fundamentals of graphene magnetoplasmons: principles, structures and devices,” Forum for Electromagnetic Research Methods and Application Technologies (FERMAT), vol. 10, pp. 1–15, Mar. 2015, invited.
[99] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic fields radiated by a circular loop with arbitrary current,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 442–446, Jan. 2015.
[100] S. Gupta, D. L. Sounas, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “All-pass dispersion synthesis using microwave C-sections,” Int. J. Circ. Theory Appl., pp. 1–18, Dec. 2014.
[101] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Spatio-temporal metasurface for real-time 2-D spectrum analysis,” arXiv:1412.7791, Dec. 2014.
[102] B. Nikfal, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “Enhanced-SNR impulse radio transceiver based on phasers,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 778–780, Nov. 2014.
[103] M. A. Salem, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface synthesis for time-harmonic waves: exact spectral and spatial methods,” Prog. Electromagn. Res., vol. 149, pp. 205–216, Nov. 2014, invited.
[104] T. Paradis, S. Gupta, Q. Zhang, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Hybrid-cascade coupled-line phasers for high-resolution radio-analog signal processing,” Microw. Opt. Technology Lett., vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 2502–2504, Nov. 2014.
[105] S. Otto, A. Al-Bassam, A. Rennings, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Transversal asymmetry in periodic leaky-wave antennas for Bloch impedance and radiation efficiency equalization through broadside,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 5037–5054, Oct. 2014.
[106] S. Gupta, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Magneto-electric dipole antenna arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 3613–3622, Jul. 2014.
[107] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Manipulating light at distance by a metasurface using momentum transformation,” Opt. Express, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 14 530–14 543, Jun. 2014.
[108] Q. Zhang, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of broadband phasers formed by commensurate C- and D-sections,” Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 322–331, May 2014.
[109] L. Zou, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “Planar reflective phaser and synthesis for radio analog signal processing R-ASP,” arXiv:1404.2628, Apr. 2014.
[110] S. Gupta, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Unveiling magnetic dipole radiation in phase-reversal leaky-wave antennas,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 13, pp. 786–789, Apr. 2014.
[111] S. Otto, Z. Chen, A. Al-Bassam, A. Rennings, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Circular polarization of periodic leaky-wave antennas with axial asymmetry: theoretical proof and experimental demonstration,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1817–1829, Apr. 2014.
[112] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Exact stability conditions in upwinding-scheme FDTD for the Boltzmann transport equation,” Int. J. Num. Analysis Modeling, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 238–258, Mar. 2014.
[113] Q. Zhang, J. W. Bandler, and C. Caloz, “Design of dispersive delay structures (DDSs) formed by coupled C-sections using predistortion with space mapping,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 4040–4051, Dec. 2013.
[114] N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, T. Szkopek, and C. Caloz, “Terahertz magnetoplasmon energy concentration and splitting in graphene PN junctions,” Opt. Express, vol. 21, no. 21, pp. 25 356–25 363, Oct. 2013.
[115] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Alternative construction of the coupling matrix of filters with non-paraconjugate transmission zeros,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 509–511, Oct. 2013.
[116] D. L. Sounas, C. Caloz, and A. Alù, “Giant nonreciprocity at the subwavelength scale using angular-momentum biased metamaterials,” Nat. Comm., vol. 4, no. 2407, pp. 1–7, Sep. 2013.
[117] C. Caloz, S. Gupta, Q. Zhang, and B. Nikfal, “Analog signal processing,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 87–103, Sep. 2013, invited.
[118] A. Parsa, R. Paknys, and C. Caloz, “Construction of Green’s functions for multilayered media using signal-flow graphs,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 244–249, Aug. 2013.
[119] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Radiation efficiency issues in planar antennas on electrically thick substrates and solutions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 4013–4025, Aug. 2013.
[120] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Power divider with arbitrary power ratio and arbitrary ripple level using filter synthesis techniques,” Microw. Opt. Technology Lett., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1819–1820, Aug. 2013.
[121] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Comparison of transmission and reflection allpass phasers for analog signal processing,” Electron. Lett., vol. 49, no. 14, Jul. 2013.
[122] D. L. Sounas, H. S. Skulason, H. V. Nguyen, A. Guermoune, M. Siaj, T. Szkopek, and C. Caloz, “Faraday rotation in magnetically-biased graphene at microwave frequencies,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 102, no. 19, pp. 191 901:1–4, May 2013.
[123] B. Nikfal, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “Comment on “theoretical analysis and practical considerations for the integrated time-stretching system using dispersive delay line (DDL)”,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 5, p. 1973, May 2013.
[124] N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal magnetoplasmon graphene coupler,” Opt. Express, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 11 248–11 256, May 2013.
[125] Q. Zhang, D. L. Sounas, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Wave interference explanation of group delay dispersion in resonators,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 212–227, Apr. 2013.
[126] P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Generation of Bessel beams by two-dimensional antenna arrays using sub-sampled distributions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1838–1849, Apr. 2013.
[127] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Magnetless non-reciprocal metamaterial (MNM) technology: application to microwave components,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1030–1042, Mar. 2013.
[128] Q. Zhang, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of cross-coupled reduced-order dispersive delay structures (DDS) with arbitrary group delay and controlled magnitude,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1043–1052, Mar. 2013.
[129] D. L. Sounas, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic modeling of a magnet-less non-reciprocal gyrotropic metasurface,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 221–231, Jan. 2013.
[130] S. Gupta, D. L. Sounas, H. V. Nguyen, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “CRLH-CRLH C-section dispersive delay structures with enhanced group delay swing for higher analog signal processing resolution,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3939–3949, Dec. 2012.
[131] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Switchable magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterial (MNM) and its application to a switchable Faraday rotation metasurface,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 1454–1457, Dec. 2012.
[132] A. I. Dimitriadis, D. L. Sounas, N. V. Kantartzis, C. Caloz, and T. D. Tsiboukis, “Generalized surface susceptibility model for an arbitrary metasurface under oblique wave incidence,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 5753–5767, Dec. 2012.
[133] B. Nikfal, D. Badiere, M. Repeta, B. Deforge, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Distortion-less real-time spectrum sniffing based on a stepped group-delay phaser,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 601–603, Nov. 2012.
[134] R. Siragusa, E. Perret, P. Lemaître-Auger, H. V. Nguyen, S. Tedjini, and C. Caloz, “A tapered CRLH interdigital/stub leaky-wave antenna with minimized side-lobe levels,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 1214–1217, Nov. 2012.
[135] Q. Zhang, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of narrow-band reflection-type phaser with arbitrary prescribed group delay,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2394–2402, Aug. 2012.
[136] D. R. Jackson, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Leaky-wave antennas,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 100, no. 7, pp. 2194–2206, Jul. 2012, invited.
[137] N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, T. Szkopek, and C. Caloz, “Optically transparent and flexible graphene reciprocal and nonreciprocal microwave planar components,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 360–362, Jul. 2012.
[138] S. Otto, A. Al-Bassam, A. Rennings, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Radiation efficiency of longitudinally symmetric and asymmetric periodic leaky-wave antennas,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 612–615, Jun. 2012.
[139] M. Dagher, N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, R. Martel, and C. Caloz, “Theoretical investigation of traveling-wave amplification in metallic carbon nanotubes biased by a DC field,” IEEE Trans. Nanotech., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 463–471, May 2012.
[140] C. Caloz, “Celebration of the 60th anniversary of MTT-S,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 32–34, May 2012, invited.
[141] C. Caloz, “Plenary and closing ceremonies at IMS2012,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 44–50, May 2012, invited.
[142] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Gyrotropy and non-reciprocity of graphene for microwave applications,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 901–914, Apr. 2012.
[143] B. Nikfal, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Low-cost and efficient pulse compression based on mixing with an auxiliary pulse,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 150–152, Mar. 2012.
[144] S. Gupta, L.-P. Carignan, and C. Caloz, “Group delay swing enhancement in transmission-line all-pass networks using coupling and dispersion boosting ferrimagnetic substrate,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 589–593, Mar. 2012.
[145] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal magnet-less CRLH leaky-wave antenna based on a ring metamaterial structure,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 1551–1554, Jan. 2012, invited.
[146] Y. Horii, S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, and C. Caloz, “Multilayer broadside-coupled dispersive delay structures for analog signal processing,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1–3, Jan. 2012.
[147] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal magnetless CRLH leaky-wave antenna based on a ring metamaterial structure,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 1551–1554, Dec. 2011.
[148] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Edge surface modes in magnetically biased chemically doped graphene strips,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99, no. 23, pp. 231 902:1–3, Dec. 2011.
[149] H. S. Skulason, H. V. Nguyen, A. Guermoune, V. Sridharan, M. Siaj, C. Caloz, and T. Szkopek, “110 GHz measurement of large-area graphene integrated in low-loss microwave structures,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99, no. 15, pp. 153 504:1–3, Oct. 2011.
[150] S. Otto, A. Rennings, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Transmission line modeling and asymptotic formulas for periodic leaky-wave antennas scanning through broadside,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 3695–3709, Oct. 2011.
[151] C. Caloz, “Metamaterial dispersion engineering concepts and applications,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 99, no. 10, pp. 1711–1719, Oct. 2011, invited.
[152] L.-P. Carignan, A. Yelon, D. Ménard, and C. Caloz, “Ferromagnetic nanowire metamaterials: theory and applications,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2568–2586, Oct. 2011, invited.
[153] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “FET frequency doubler with out-of-phase switchable output and application in balanced frequency doubler,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 2160–2164, Sep. 2011.
[154] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Broadband and low-beam squint leaky wave radiation from a uniaxially anisotropic grounded slab,” Radio Sci., vol. 46, no. RS4006, pp. 1–13, Aug. 2011.
[155] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Performance-enhanced and symmetric full-space scanning end-switched CRLH LWA,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 709–712, Jul. 2011.
[156] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Artificial Faraday rotation using a ring metamaterial structure without static magnetic field,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 031 114:1–3, Jul. 2011.
[157] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “TE210 mode balanced oscillator using substrate integrated waveguide resonator,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 1188–1194, Jul. 2011.
[158] B. Nikfal, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Increased group delay slope loop system for enhanced-resolution analog signal processing,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1622–1628, Jun. 2011.
[159] A. Parsa, A. Shahvarpour, and C. Caloz, “Double-band tunable magnetic conductor realized by a grounded ferrite slab covered with metal strip grating,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 231–233, May 2011.
[160] S. Couture, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Size-independent zeroth order electric plasmonic cavity resonator,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 927–932, Apr. 2011.
[161] S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Analog direction of arrival estimation using an electronically-scanned CRLH leaky-wave antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1408–1412, Apr. 2011.
[162] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Monopulse comparator with frequency-independent delta-channel nulls for high-resolution tracking radar,” Electron. Lett., vol. 47, no. 5, Mar. 2011.
[163] A. Parsa, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Ferrite based non-reciprocal radome, generalized scattering matrix analysis and experimental demonstration,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 810–817, Mar. 2011.
[164] A. Shahvarpour, C. Caloz, J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, D. C. nete Rebenaque, P. Vera-Castejón, F. D. Quesada-Pereira, and J. L. Gómez-Tornero, “Análisis espectral de metasustratos con anisotropía uni-axial y aplicación en el ensanchamiento de la banda de ondas leaky-wave,” Espacio-Teleco, UPCT, vol. 2, pp. 146–152, Jan. 2011.
[165] R. Siragusa, E. Perret, H. V. Hoang, P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Tedjini, and C. Caloz, “Control of the sensitivity of CRLH interdigital microstrip balanced structures using a co-design genetic algorithm approach,” Appl. Phys. A, vol. 103, pp. 709–714, Jan. 2011.
[166] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic non-reciprocity and gyrotropy of graphene,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 98, no. 2, pp. 021 911:1–3, Jan. 2011.
[167] S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, and C. Caloz, “Chipless RFID system based on group delay engineered dispersive delay structures,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 1366–1368, Jan. 2011.
[168] A. Shahvarpour, T. Kodera, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Arbitrary electromagnetic conductor boundaries using Faraday rotation in a grounded ferrite slab,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 2781–2793, Nov. 2010.
[169] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Low-profile leaky-wave electric monopole loop antenna using the β = 0 regime of a ferrite-loaded open waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 3165–3174, Oct. 2010.
[170] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Full-space scanning periodic phase-reversal leaky-wave antenna,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 2619–2632, Oct. 2010.
[171] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, S. Gupta, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Efficient time-domain analysis of highly-dispersive linear and non-linear metamaterial waveguide and antenna structures operated in the impulse-regime,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 1617–1625, Oct. 2010.
[172] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Wideband phase-reversal antenna using a novel bandwidth enhancement technique,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 2823–2830, Sep. 2010.
[173] S. Gupta, A. Parsa, E. Perret, R. V. Snyder, R. J. Wenzel, and C. Caloz, “Group delay engineered non-commensurate transmission line all-pass network for analog signal processing,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 2392–2407, Sep. 2010.
[174] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Integrated leaky-wave antenna duplexer/diplexer using CRLH uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 2508–2514, Aug. 2010.
[175] H. V. Nguyen, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Power-recycling feedback system for maximization of leaky-wave antennas’ radiation efficiency,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 1641–1650, Jul. 2010.
[176] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Greater than the sum of its parts,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 69–82, Jun. 2010.
[177] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Comments on ”Uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide structure with CRLH response and its application to a novel backfire-to-endfire leaky-wave antenna” reply,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 1310–1311, May 2010.
[178] M. Coulombe, S. F. Koodiani, and C. Caloz, “Compact elongated mushroom (EM)-EBG structure for enhancement of patch antenna array performances,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1076–1086, Apr. 2010.
[179] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Broadband compact 180 degrees hybrid derived from the Wilkinson divider,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1030–1037, Apr. 2010.
[180] S. Couture, J. Gauthier, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Experimental demonstration and potential applications of a tunable NRI ferrite-wire metamaterial,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 9, pp. 1022–1025, Jan. 2010.
[181] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, M. García-Vigueras, F. D. Quesada-Pereira, J. Pascual-García, D. C. nete Rebenaque, J. L. Gómez-Tornero, A. Shahvarpour, C. Caloz, and A. Álvarez Melcón, “Estudio de la ingeniería de dispersión en microondas empleando líneas de transmisión basadas en metamateriales CRLH,” Espacio-Teleco, UPCT, vol. 1, pp. 39–48, Dec. 2009.
[182] S. Gupta, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Microwave analog real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) based on the spatial-spectral decomposition property of leaky-wave structures,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 2989–2999, Dec. 2009.
[183] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Investigation on the phenomenology of impulse-regime metamaterial transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 4010–4014, Dec. 2009.
[184] V. Boucher, L.-P. Carignan, T. Kodera, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Effective permeability tensor and double resonance of interacting bistable ferromagnetic nanowires,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 80, pp. 224 402:1–11, Dec. 2009.
[185] S. Abielmona, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Compressive receiver using a CRLH-based dispersive delay line for analog signal processing,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 2617–2626, Nov. 2009.
[186] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Dual-band full-space scanning leaky-wave antenna based on ferrite-loaded open waveguide,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 1202–1205, Nov. 2009.
[187] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Tunable Talbot imaging distance using an array of beam-steered metamaterial leaky-wave antennas,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 106, no. 8, pp. 084 908:1–8, Oct. 2009.
[188] L.-P. Carignan, M. Massicotte, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Magnetization reversal in arrays of Ni nanowires with different diameters,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 4070–4073, Oct. 2009.
[189] Y. Xu, M. Aljerjawi, C. Caloz, K. Wu, C. Nerguizian, and R. Bosisio, “Multiple access coding interferometers in wave radio,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1007–1010, Aug. 2009.
[190] R. Siragusa, H. V. Nguyen, P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Tedjini, and C. Caloz, “Modeling and synthesis of the interdigital/stub composite right/left-handed artificial transmission line,” Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 549–560, Sep. 2009.
[191] D. Erni and C. Caloz, “A special issue on: Functional nanophotonics and nanoelectromagnetics,” J. Comput. Theo. Nanosci., vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1977–1978, Sep. 2009, invited.
[192] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Lowpass filter with slow-wave rail coplanar stripline (R-CPS),” Electron. Lett., vol. 45, no. 17, pp. 895–896, Aug. 2009.
[193] L.-P. Carignan, V. Boucher, T. Kodera, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Double ferromagnetic resonance in nanowire arrays,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 95, no. 6, pp. 062 504–1:3, Aug. 2009.
[194] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Impulse-regime CRLH resonator for tunable pulse rate multiplication,” Radio Sci., vol. 44, no. RS4001, pp. 1–9, Jul. 2009.
[195] M. Coulombe and C. Caloz, “Reflection-type artificial dielectric substrate microstrip dispersive delay line (DDL) for analog signal processing,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1714–1723, Jul. 2009.
[196] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Analog signal processing in transmission line metamaterial structures,” Radio Eng., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 155–167, Jun. 2009, invited.
[197] B. E. Spielman, S. Amari, C. Caloz, G. V. Eleftheriades, T. Itoh, D. R. Jackson, R. Levy, J. D. Rhodes, and R. V. Snyder, “Metamaterials face-off,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 8–42, May 2009, invited.
[198] A. Parsa, R. Paknys, and C. Caloz, “Edge diffraction suppression in rectangular dielectric resonators for quality factor enhancement using artificial plasma,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1336–1344, May 2009.
[199] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide structure with CRLH response and its application to a novel backfire-to-endfire leaky-wave antenna,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 784–795, Apr. 2009.
[200] L.-P. Carignan, T. Kodera, D. Ménard, and C. Caloz, “Moldable polymer/ferrite composite and application to an integrated CPW tunable phase shifter,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 206–208, Apr. 2009.
[201] C. Caloz, “Perspectives on EM metamaterials,” Mater. Today, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 12–20, Mar. 2009, invited.
[202] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Fixed-beam frequency-tunable phase reversal coplanar stripline antenna array,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 671–681, Mar. 2009.
[203] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Highly efficient leaky-wave antenna array using a power-recycling series feeding network,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 441–444, Mar. 2009.
[204] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, F. D. Quesada-Pereira, F. J. P.-S. ans J. Pascual-García, D. C. nete Rebenaque, M. Martínez-Mendoza, J. L. Gómez-Tornero, C. Caloz, and A. Álvarez Melcón, “Estudio de la propagación y radiación de pulsos temporales en líneas de transmisión basadas en metamatereiales CRLH,” Telecoforum, UPCT, vol. 6, pp. 66–76, Dec. 2008.
[205] A. Shahvarpour, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Schrödinger solitons in left-handed SiO2-Ag-SiO2 and Ag-SiO2-Ag plasmonic waveguides using nonlinear transmission line approach,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 104, no. 12, pp. 124 510:1–5, Dec. 2008.
[206] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “First- and second-order differentiators based on coupled-line directional couplers,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 791–793, Dec. 2008.
[207] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Spatio-temporal Talbot phenomenon using metamaterial composite right/left-handed leaky-wave antennas,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 104, no. 10, pp. 104 901:1–7, Nov. 2008.
[208] W. Tong, Z. Hu, H. Yang, H. Zhang, A. Rennings, and C. Caloz, “Study and realisation of dual-composite right/left-handed coplanar waveguide metamaterial in MMIC technology,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 731–736, Oct. 2008.
[209] C. Caloz, T. Itoh, and A. Rennings, “CRLH metamaterial leaky-wave and resonant antennas,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 25–39, Oct. 2008, invited.
[210] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “CRLH delay line pulse position modulation transmitter,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 527–529, Aug. 2008.
[211] A. Rennings, J. Mosig, C. Caloz, D. Erni, and P. Waldow, “Equivalent circuit (EC) FDTD method for the modeling of surface plasmon based couplers,” J. Comput. Theo. Nanosci., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 690–703, Apr. 2008.
[212] R. G. Bosisio, Y. Y. Zhao, X. Y. Xu, S. Abielmona, E. Moldovan, Y. Xu, M. Bozzi, S. O. Tatu, C. Nerguizian, J. Frigon, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “New-wave radio,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 89–100, Feb. 2008.
[213] M. Zedler, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “A 3-D isotropic left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated transmission-line matrix (TLM) scheme,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 2930–2941, Dec. 2007.
[214] S. Abielmona, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Experimental demonstration and characterization of a tunable CRLH delay line system for impulse/continuous wave,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 864–866, Dec. 2007.
[215] N. Yang, C. Caloz, K. Wu, and Z. Chen, “Broadband and compact coupled coplanar stripline filters with impedance steps,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 2874–2886, Dec. 2007.
[216] Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. He, H. Li, H. Chen, F. Liu, and C. Caloz, “Time-domain study of vortexlike interface mode in metamaterials,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 91, no. 22, pp. 221 907:1–3, Nov. 2007.
[217] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Tunable arbitrary N-port CRLH infinite-wavelength series power divider,” Electron. Lett., vol. 43, no. 23, pp. 1292–1293, Nov. 2007.
[218] Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, F. Liu, L. He, H. Li, H. Chen, and C. Caloz, “Simplified description of asymmetric right-handed composite right/left-handed coupler in microstrip-chip technology,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2063–2068, Sep. 2007.
[219] S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, C. Caloz, K. Wu, and R. G. Bosisio, “Compact multilayer ultra-wideband six-port device for modulation/demodulation,” Electron. Lett., vol. 43, no. 15, pp. 813–815, Jul. 2007.
[220] C. Caloz and H. V. Nguyen, “Novel broadband conventional and dual-composite right/left-handed (C/D-CRLH) metamaterials: properties, implementation and double-band coupler application,” Appl. Phys. A, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 309–316, May 2007, invited.
[221] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Generalized coupled-mode approach of metamaterial coupled-line couplers: Coupling theory, phenomenological explanation, and experimental demonstration,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1029–1039, May 2007.
[222] C. Caloz, S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, and A. Rennings, “Dual composite right/left-handed (D-CRLH) leaky-wave antenna with low beam squinting and tunable group velocity,” Phys. Stat. Solidi (b), vol. 244, no. 4, pp. 1219–1226, Apr. 2007, invited.
[223] M. Coulombe, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Substrate integrated artificial dielectric (SIAD) structure for miniaturized microstrip circuits,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 6, pp. 575–579, Jan. 2007.
[224] E.-E. Djoumessi, E. Marsan, C. Caloz, M. Chaker, and K. Wu, “Varactor-tuned dual-band quadrature hybrid coupler,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 603–605, Nov. 2006.
[225] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Dual-band CRLH branch-line coupler in MIM technology,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 2331–2333, Nov. 2006.
[226] C. Caloz, “Dual composite right/left-handed (D-CRLH) transmission line metamaterial,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 585–587, Nov. 2006.
[227] F. P. Casares-Miranda, C. Camacho-Peñalosa, and C. Caloz, “High-gain active composite right/left-handed leaky-wave antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 2292–2300, Aug. 2006.
[228] I.-H. Lin, K. M. K. H. Leong, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Dual-band sub-harmonic quadrature mixer using composite right/left-handed transmission lines,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 153, no. 4, pp. 365–375, Aug. 2006.
[229] F. P. Casares-Miranda, C. Viereck, C. Camacho-Peñalosa, and C. Caloz, “Vertical microstrip transition for multilayer microwave circuits with decoupled passive and active layers,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 401–403, Jul. 2006.
[230] C. Caloz, “Introduction to the special issue ’numerical modelling of metamaterial properties, structures and devices’,” Int. J. Numer. Modell. Electron. Networks Devices Fields, vol. 19, pp. 83–85, Mar. 2006, invited.
[231] A. Rennings, S. Otto, W. Bilgic, A. Lauer, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “Composite right/left-handed extended equivalent circuit finite-difference time-domain (CRLH-EEC) FDTD: Stability and dispersion analysis with examples,” Int. J. Numer. Modell. Electron. Networks Devices Fields, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 141–172, Mar. 2006.
[232] H. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Broadband highly selective bandpass filter based on a tapered coupled-resonator (TCR) CRLH structure,” J. European Microw. Ass., vol. 2, pp. 44–51, Mar. 2006.
[233] A. Rennings, S. Otto, A. Lauer, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “An extended equivalent circuit based FDTD scheme for the efficient simulation of composite right/left-handed metamaterials,” J. European Microw. Ass., vol. 2, pp. 71–82, Mar. 2006.
[234] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Metamaterials for high-frequency electronics,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 93, no. 10, pp. 1744–1752, Oct. 2005, invited.
[235] T. Fujishige, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Experimental demonstration of transparency in ENG-MNG pair in a CRLH transmission-line implementation,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 476–481, Sep. 2005.
[236] C. Caloz, A. Lai, and T. Itoh, “The challenge of homogenization in metamaterials,” New J. Phys., vol. 7, no. 167, pp. 1–15, Aug. 2005, invited.
[237] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Super-compact multilayered left-handed transmission line and diplexer application,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1527–1534, Apr. 2005.
[238] I.-H. Lin, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Near-field focusing by a nonuniform leaky-wave interface,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 416–418, Mar. 2005.
[239] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Metamaterial-based electronically controlled transmission line structure as a novel leaky-wave antenna with tunable angle and beamwidth,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 161–173, Jan. 2005.
[240] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Lossy transmission line metamaterials,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 112–114, Oct. 2004.
[241] T. Fujishige, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Analytical expressions for the composite right/left-handed transmission lines based on the Mittag-Leffler series expansion,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 26–29, Oct. 2004.
[242] A. Lai, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Composite right/left-handed transmission line metamaterials,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 34–50, Sep. 2004, invited.
[243] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Electronically-scanned composite right/left-handed microstrip leaky-wave antenna,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 277–279, Jun. 2004.
[244] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Array factor approach of leaky-wave antennas and application to 1-D/2-D composite right/left-handed (CRLH) structures,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 274–276, Jun. 2004.
[245] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Transmission line approach of left-handed (LH) materials and microstrip implementation of an artificial LH transmission line,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1159–1166, May 2004.
[246] A. Sanada, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Planar distributed structures with negative refractive index,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1252–1263, Apr. 2004.
[247] I.-H. Lin, M. D. Vincentis, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Arbitrary dual-band components using composite right/left-handed transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1142–1149, Apr. 2004.
[248] C. Caloz, H. Okabe, T. Iwai, and T. Itoh, “A simple and accurate model for microstrip structures with slotted ground plane,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 133–135, Apr. 2004.
[249] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “A reflecto-directive system using a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) leaky-wave antenna and heterodyne mixing,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 183–185, Apr. 2004.
[250] C. Caloz, I.-H. Lin, and T. Itoh, “Characteristics and potential applications of nonlinear left-handed transmission lines,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 471–473, Mar. 2004.
[251] C. Caloz, A. Sanada, and T. Itoh, “A novel composite right/left-handed coupled-line directional coupler with arbitrary coupling level and broad bandwidth,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 980–992, Mar. 2004.
[252] H. Okabe, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “A compact enhanced-bandwidth hybrid ring using an artificial lumped-element left-handed transmission-line section,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 798–804, Mar. 2004.
[253] A. Sanada, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Characteristics of the composite right/left-handed transmission lines,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 68–70, Feb. 2004.
[254] A. Sanada, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Zeroth order resonance in the left-handed transmission line,” IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. 87-C, no. 1, pp. 1–7, Jan. 2004.
[255] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “A novel mixed conventional microstrip and composite right/left-handed backward-wave directional coupler with broadband and tight coupling characteristics,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 31–33, Jan. 2004.
[256] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Positive / negative refractive index anisotropic 2-D metamaterials,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 547–549, Dec. 2003.
[257] L. Liu, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Dominant mode leaky-wave antenna with backfire-to-endfire scanning capability,” Electron. Lett., vol. 38, no. 23, pp. 1414–1416, Nov. 2002.
[258] L. Liu, C. Caloz, C.-C. Chang, and T. Itoh, “Forward coupling phenomena between artificial left-handed transmission lines,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 92, no. 9, pp. 5560–5565, Nov. 2002.
[259] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Multilayer and anisotropic planar compact PBG structures for microstrip applications,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2206–2208, Sep. 2002.
[260] C. Caloz, A. K. Skrivervik, and F. E. Gardiol, “An efficient method to determine Green’s functions of a two-dimensional photonic crystal excited by a line source - The phased array method,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Tech., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1380–1391, May 2002.
[261] J.-Y. Park, C. Caloz, Y. Qian, and T. Itoh, “A compact circularly polarized subdivided microstrip patch antenna,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 18–19, Jan. 2002.
[262] C. Caloz, C.-C. Chang, and T. Itoh, “Full-wave verification of the fundamental properties of left-handed materials in waveguide configurations,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 90, no. 11, pp. 5483–5486, Dec. 2001.
[263] C. Caloz, “Green’s functions in a PC-PPWG structure,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 405–408, Jun. 2001.
[264] C. Caloz, A. K. Skrivervik, and F. E. Gardiol, “Comparison of two methods for the computation of Green’s functions in photonic bandgap materials: The eigenmodes expansion method and the phased array method,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 323–330, Dec. 2000.
[265] C. Caloz, A. K. Skrivervik, and F. E. Gardiol, “Electromagnetic radiation in two-dimensional photonic crystals with sinusoidal and sharp permittivity profiles,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 316–322, Mar. 2000.
Books and Book Chapters
[266] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, Electromagnetic Metasurfaces: Theory and Applications. Wiley - IEEE Press, 2021.
[267] K. Achouri, Y. Vahabzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface synthesis, analysis and applications,” in Frontiers in Surface Electromagnetics and Modern Applications, F. Yang and Y. Rahmat-Samii, Eds. Wiley, 2017.
[268] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Real-time electromagnetic signal processing: Principles and illustrations,” in Wave Propagation. InTech, 2016.
[269] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Metasurface synthesis, characterization and applications,” in World Scientific Handbook of Metamaterials and Nanophotonics, E. Shamonina and S. A. Maier, Eds. World Scientific, 2016.
[270] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Metamaterial processing,” in Broadband Metamaterials in Electromagnetics: Technology and Applications, D. H. Werner, Ed. Pan Stanford Scientific, 2015.
[271] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Localized waves: Theory and experiments,” in Handbook of Antenna Technologies, Z. N. Chen, Ed. Springer, 2015.
[272] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, Non-reciprocity in Magnetically-biased Graphene at Microwave and Terahertz Frequencies. CRC Encyclopedia, 2012.
[273] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, Novel Electromagnetic Phenomena in Graphene and Subsequent Microwave Devices Enabled by Multi-scale Metamaterials. InTech, 2012.
[274] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, S. Gupta, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, Impulse-Regime Analysis of Novel Optically-Inspired Phenomena at Microwaves. InTech, 2012.
[275] C. Caloz, D. R. Jackson, and T. Itoh, “Leaky-wave antennas (chap. 9),” in Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design and Engineering, F. B. Gross, Ed. McGraw Hill, 2011.
[276] C. Caloz, “Metamaterial antennas and radiative systems (chap. 11),” in Microstrip and Printed Antennas: New Trends, Techniques and Applications, D. Guha and Y. M. M. Antar, Eds. IEEE Press, 2011.
[277] A. Rennings, A. Lauer, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Equivalent circuit (EC) FDTD method for dispersive materials: Derivation, stability criteria and application examples,” in Time Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electrodynamics, P. Russer and U. Siart, Eds. Springer, 2008.
[278] M. Zedler, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “A 3D isotropic left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme,” in Time Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electrodynamics, P. Russer and U. Siart, Eds. Springer, 2008.
[279] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “CRLH metamaterial antennas, part II: Leaky-wave and resonant antennas (chap. 16),” in Handbook on Metamaterials: Phenomena, Theory, and Applications, F. Capolino, Ed. CRC, 2008.
[280] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “CRLH metamaterial antennas, part I: Theory and antenna-related concepts (chap. 15),” in Handbook on Metamaterials: Phenomena, Theory, and Applications, F. Capolino, Ed. CRC, 2008.
[281] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Microwave coupler and resonator applications of negative-index planar structures (chap. 7),” in Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Aspects, N. Engheta and R. W. Ziolkowski, Eds. Wiley - IEEE Press, 2006.
[282] C. Caloz, “From Bragg structures to micro-engineered materials, in periodic structures,” in Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Aspects, M. Bozzi, Ed. Research Signpost, 2006.
[283] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, Electromagnetic Metamaterials, Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications. Wiley - IEEE Press, 2006.
Conference Articles
[284] C. Caloz, A. Bahrami, F. Ok, and A. Stevens, “Emergence of quantum electrodynamic space-time (QUEST) metamaterials,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2024, invited.
[285] A. Stevens and C. Caloz, “Photon transitions in arbitrary time-varying metamaterials,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2024.
[286] K. De Kinder and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic scattering at an arbitrarily accelerated interface,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2024.
[287] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “Scattering at space-time engineered-modulation (STEM) wedges,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2024.
[288] K. De Kinder and C. Caloz, “Scattering at a superluminal arbitrarily decelerating interface,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Lisbon, Portugal, Sep. 2024, pp. 196–198, invited.
[289] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Dispersion-engineered space-time transitions,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024, pp. 2415–2416.
[290] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “Electrodynamics of accelerated space-time engineered-modulation slabs,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024, pp. 1699–1700.
[291] F. Ok and C. Caloz, “Electron scattering at a soft temporal potential step,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024, pp. 1921–1922.
[292] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “PT-symmetry equalization and time-space frequency mapping in leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024, pp. 1899–1900.
[293] X. Yang, O. Céspedes Vicente, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, F. D. Kamali, and C. Caloz, “Diffraction-enhanced MIMO capacity,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024, pp. 1045–1046.
[294] C. Caloz, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Bahrami, Z. Li, F. Ok, K. De Kinder, and A. Stevens, “Modeling of generalized space-time modulation-engineered (GSTEM) metamaterials,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2024, pp. 271–272, invited.
[295] C. Caloz, F. Ok, and A. Bahrami, “Emergence of quantum space-time engineered modulation (Q-STEM) metamaterials,” in URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2024, pp. 1–3, invited.
[296] Z. Li, X. Ma, and C. Caloz, “Space-time Fresnel prism for practical dynamic systems,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2023, pp. 192–194.
[297] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Modified FDTD scheme for Space-Time Engineered-Modulation (STEM) structures,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2023, pp. 93–95.
[298] C. Caloz, A. Bahrami, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, Z. Li, and F. Ok, “Classical and quantum Generalized Space-Time Engineered-Modulation (GSTEM) metamaterials),” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2023, pp. 53–55, invited.
[299] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “Electrodynamics of accelerated space-time engineered-modulation metamaterials,” in Metamaterials’2023, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2023, pp. 31–33.
[300] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Exceptional point perspective of periodic leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Portland, OR, Jul. 2023, pp. 1275–1276.
[301] O. Céspedes Vicente and C. Caloz, “Bianisotropic susceptibility theory of artificial magnetic conductors,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Portland, OR, Jul. 2023, pp. 1411–1412.
[302] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Transfer matrix method of modulation-based space-time structures,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theory (EMTS), Vancouver, BC, May 2023, invited.
[303] C. Caloz and B. Bahrami, “Generalized space-time electromagnetic metamaterials (GSTEMs),” in Metamaterials’2022, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Siena, Italy, Sep. 2022, invited.
[304] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “FDTD scheme for interfaces formed by space-time modulations,” in Metamaterials’2022, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Siena, Italy, Sep. 2022.
[305] Z. Li, X. Ma, and C. Caloz, “Critical angle at a moving interface formed by a space-time modulation step,” in Metamaterials’2022, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Siena, Italy, Sep. 2022.
[306] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “Dispersion characteristics of accelerated spacetime-modulated media,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Denver, CO, Jul. 2022, pp. 1288–1289, invited.
[307] M. Dehmollaian, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal concentric metasurface cloak,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Denver, CO, Jul. 2022, pp. 461–462, invited.
[308] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “Arbitrary pulse shaping using nonuniform spacetime modulation,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Singapore, Dec. 2021, pp. 409–410.
[309] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Advances in bianisotropic GSTC-based metasurfaces,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Singapore, Dec. 2021, pp. 1505–1506.
[310] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Motion induced transformation of the dispersion and loss properties of an electromagnetic medium,” in URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Italy, Sep. 2021, pp. 1–3, invited.
[311] A. Bahrami and C. Caloz, “Cloaking using spacetime curvature induced by perturbation,” in Metamaterials’2021, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., New York, USA, Sep. 2021, pp. 29–31.
[312] M. Dehmollaian and C. Caloz, “Concentric metawaveguide cloaking,” in Metamaterials’2021, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., New York, USA, Sep. 2021, pp. 111–113.
[313] C. Caloz and T. Kodera, “The revolutionary advent of magnetless nonreciprocal metasurfaces,” in META’22, Warsaw, Poland, Jul. 2020, invited.
[314] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Refraction and impedance patterns in moving media,” in META’22, Warsaw, Poland, Jul. 2020, invited.
[315] G. Nemova and C. Caloz, “Mie resonance enhancement of laser cooling of rare-earth doped nanospheres,” in Proc. Advanced Photonics Congress, Montreal, QC, Jul. 2021, p. IW4A.3.
[316] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Pseudo-random sequence (PRS) space-time-modulated metasurfaces: general concept and fundamental operations,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Hangzhou, China, Apr. 2022, invited.
[317] G. Nemova and C. Caloz, “Heat mitigation with frequency selective passive PT symmetry in active Raman media,” in Proc. SPIE, Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications III, San Francisco, USA, Mar. 2021, pp. 117 020N:1–7.
[318] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal wavefront manipulation with transistor-loaded metasurfaces,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 2021, invited.
[319] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Advances in spacetime-modulated metasurfaces,” in URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Rome, Italy, Sep. 2020.
[320] C. Caloz, “Spacetime metamaterial perspective,” in Metamaterials’2020, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., New York, USA, Sep. 2020, pp. 379–381.
[321] M. Dehmollaian and C. Caloz, “Analysis of metasurface cavities and application to redirection cloaking,” in Metamaterials’2020, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., New York, USA, Sep. 2020, pp. 318–320.
[322] O. Céspedes Vicente and C. Caloz, “Cascaded-metasurface non-integer cylindrical Bessel beam (NIC-BB) generator,” in Metamaterials’2020, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., New York, USA, Sep. 2020, pp. 248–250.
[323] G. Lavigne, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “’Perfect’ Faraday-rotation metasurface,” in Metamaterials’2020, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., New York, USA, Sep. 2020, pp. 156–158.
[324] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Scattering from a shifted-hyperbolic medium,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 1755–1756.
[325] M. Dehmollaian and C. Caloz, “Metasurface cavity redirection cloaking,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 1107–1108.
[326] M. J. Hajiahmadi, R. Faraji-Dana, M. Dehmollaian, and C. Caloz, “Deep brain focusing using time-reversing metasurface assisted by PEC walls,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 973–974.
[327] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Spacetime-modulated metasurface camouflaging,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 963–964.
[328] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Metasurface specular isolator,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 951–952.
[329] O. Céspedes Vicente and C. Caloz, “Generation of free-space cylindrical Bessel beams of arbitrary integer/non-integer orders,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 919–920.
[330] Y. Vahabzadeh, M. Dehmollaian, and C. Caloz, “Modeling of a metasurface by a thin slab of constant voluminal susceptibility,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 803–804.
[331] T. Kodera, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Transistor-based magnetless Faraday metasurface and spatial isolator,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 713–714.
[332] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Quad-polarized leaky-wave antennas for communication and polarimetry applications,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Montreal, QC, Jul. 2020, pp. 519–520.
[333] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Broadside radiation equalization through mode coupling balancing in periodic leaky-wave antennas,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Mar. 2020, invited.
[334] A. Patri, X. Jia, M. Mohsin, S. Kéna-Cohen, and C. Caloz, “Compact grating coupler using asymmetric waveguide scatterers,” in Frontiers in Optics, Washington DC, US, Sep. 2019, pp. JW4A–90.
[335] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Spacetime-modulated metasurface for spatial multiplexing communication,” in Metamaterials’2019, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Rome, Italy, Sep. 2019, pp. 465–462.
[336] A. Patri, S. Kéna-Cohen, and C. Caloz, “Polarizing beamsplitter grating based on asymmetric slot waveguide scatterers,” in Metamaterials’2019, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Rome, Italy, Sep. 2019, pp. 302–304.
[337] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal phase gradient metasurface: principle and transistor implementation,” in Metamaterials’2019, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Rome, Italy, Sep. 2019, pp. 212–214.
[338] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Angle-independent nongyrotropic metasurfaces,” in Metamaterials’2019, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Rome, Italy, Sep. 2019, pp. 209–211.
[339] M.-J. Haji-Ahmadi, R. Faraji-Dana, and C. Caloz, “Ablation of deep-seated brain tumors using metasurfaces,” in Metamaterials’2019, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Rome, Italy, Sep. 2019, pp. 146–148.
[340] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Comprehensive description of spacetime crystal bandgaps,” in Metamaterials’2019, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Rome, Italy, Sep. 2019, pp. 104–106, invited.
[341] M. Dehmollaian, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic sink based on a nonreciprocal metasurface cavity,” in META’19, Lisbon, Portugal, Jul. 2019, invited.
[342] M. Dehmollaian and C. Caloz, “Perfect penetrable cloaking using arbitrary-shape bianisotropic metasurfaces,” in META’19, Lisbon, Portugal, Jul. 2019, invited.
[343] T. Brown, C. Narendra, Y. Vahabzadeh, C. Caloz, and P. Mojabi, “Metasurface design using electromagnetic inversion,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1817–1818.
[344] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Towards generalized transistor-based magnetless nonreciprocal metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1617–1618.
[345] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation based on spacetime-modulated metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1613–1614.
[346] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Spread-spectrum camouflaging based on time-modulated metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1411–1412.
[347] M. Dehmollaian and C. Caloz, “Perfect penetrable cloaking using gain-less and loss-less bianisotropic metasurfaces,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1323–1324.
[348] A. Patri, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Transmissive suppressed-order diffraction grating (SODG),” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1209–1210.
[349] O. Céspedes Vicente and C. Caloz, “Acceleration of laser-driven light sails with size comparable to the beam,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 1053–1054.
[350] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Scattering at interluminal interface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 367–368.
[351] N. Chamanara, D. G. Cooke, and C. Caloz, “Linear pulse compansion based on space-time modulation,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 239–240.
[352] C. Caloz and Z.-L. Deck-Léger, “The dawn of spacetime metamaterials,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Atlanta, GA, Jul. 2019, pp. 231–232, invited.
[353] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Full-space coverage leaky-wave antenna based on successive space harmonics,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Rome, Italy, Jun. 2019, invited.
[354] A. Al-Bassam, S. Otto, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Analytical formulas for frequency-unbalanced periodic leaky-wave antennas,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Rome, Italy, Jun. 2019, invited.
[355] O. Céspedes Vicente and C. Caloz, “Investigation of fractional cylindrical Bessel beams,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Rome, Italy, Jun. 2019, invited.
[356] C. Caloz, “Spatial magnetless nonreciprocity,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Rome, Italy, Jun. 2019, invited.
[357] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Well-posedness of scattering problems at luminal space-time interfaces,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theory (EMTS), San Diego, CA, May 2019.
[358] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Simple and insightful computation of space-time crystal dispersion diagrams,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theory (EMTS), San Diego, CA, May 2019.
[359] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Phase-equalized periodic series-feeding network from structural asymmetry,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Krakow, Poland, Mar. 2019.
[360] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Manipulation of Fresnel coefficients using crossanisotropic metasurface coating,” in USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, Jan. 2019, pp. 1–2, invited.
[361] K. Achouri, C. Caloz, and O. J. F. Martin, “Synthesis and analysis of linear and nonlinear bianisotropic metasurfaces,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Busan, South Korea, Oct. 2018, pp. 329–330, invited.
[362] N. Chamanara, Y. Vahabzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Stacked metasurface slab,” in Metamaterials’2018, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Espoo, Finland, Aug. 2018, pp. 70–72.
[363] N. Chamanara, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Unusual electromagnetic modes based on codirectional coupled space-time harmonics,” in Metamaterials’2018, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Espoo, Finland, Aug. 2018, pp. 73–75.
[364] N. Chamanara, Y. Vahabzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Space-time-varying field-processing metasurfaces,” in Metamaterials’2018, Int. Congr. Art. Mat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Espoo, Finland, Aug. 2018, pp. 76–77.
[365] A. Akbarzadeh and C. Caloz, “Gaussian beam diffraction by the inverse prism,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 2415–2416.
[366] X. Jia, F. Yang, Y. Vahabzadeh, and C. Caloz, “Multiple beam forming using spherical metasurfaces,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 1709–1710.
[367] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Study of the angular spectrum of a bianisotropic refractive metasurface at a dielectric interface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 1255–1256.
[368] A. Patri, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface particle with independent transmission and reflection full phase coverage,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 995–996.
[369] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, “Extending the Brewster effect to arbitrary angle and polarization using bianisotropic metasurfaces,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 771–772.
[370] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Transfer matrix method extension to space-time modulated electromagnetic crystals,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 165–166.
[371] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Multi-plane frequency scanning using a leaky-wave antenna array with double-end series feeding network,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 137–138.
[372] X. Wang, L. Zou, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, C. Caloz, and J. Azaña, “Coupled loop resonator Hilbert transformer,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Boston, USA, Jul. 2018, pp. 43–44.
[373] N. Chamanara, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Passive bianisotropic metasurface window for thermal black-body radiation control,” in Photonics North’2018, Montréal, Canada, Jun. 2018.
[374] X. Jia, F. Yang, G. Lavigne, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface Absorbing Condition (MAC) for computational electromagnetics based on susceptibility GSTCs,” in Photonics North’2018, Montréal, Canada, Jun. 2018.
[375] L. Chen, G. Lavigne, C. Caloz, E. Kallos, C. Rodriguez, and P. Charette, “Metasurface cavities for LED efficiency enhancement,” in Photonics North’2018, Montréal, Canada, Jun. 2018.
[376] A. Akbarzadeh and C. Caloz, “Inverse prism: space-time dual of a prism,” in Photonics North’2018, Montréal, Canada, Jun. 2018.
[377] A. Patri, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface-based double-image 3D holography,” in Photonics North’2018, Montréal, Canada, Jun. 2018.
[378] A. Al-Bassam, D. Heberling, and C. Caloz, “Two-dimensional periodic leaky-wave antenna for oblique frequency scanning,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), London, England, Apr. 2018.
[379] A. Akbarzadeh and C. Caloz, “Force tracing: a method to sculpt the optical force,” in SPIE Proc.: Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIV, SPIE Conf. Nanoscience Engr., vol. 10347, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2017, p. 103473A.
[380] X. Wang, L. Zou, and C. Caloz, “Tunable C-section phaser for dynamic analog signal processing,” in URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[381] M. Klissarov, L. Zou, and C. Caloz, “Real-time narrow-band frequency-shift keying (FSK) receiver,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[382] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic nonreciprocity, amplification and mixing in dispersion-engineered space-time systems,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[383] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Recent development in metasurface design and applications,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[384] A. Akbarzadeh and C. Caloz, “Force tracing and its application in optical manipulation,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[385] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, N. Chamanara, M. Skorobogatiy, and C. Caloz, “Space-time (ST) reflection focusing in dispersion-engineered medium,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[386] L. Zou and C. Caloz, “Characterization of dispersion code multiplexing (DCM) in incoherent radio channels,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Montréal, QC, Aug. 2017.
[387] C. Caloz, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and N. Chamanara, “Towards space-time metamaterials,” in Metamaterials’2017, Int. Congr. Eng. Mat. Plat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Marseille, France, Aug. 2017, pp. 849–851, invited.
[388] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Scattering from a nonlinear metasurface,” in Metamaterials’2017, Int. Congr. Eng. Mat. Plat. Nov. Wave. Phenom., Marseille, France, Aug. 2017, pp. 371–373.
[389] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Sub/super-luminal space-time slab: fundamental scattering symmetries,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 813–814.
[390] Z.-L. Deck-Léger and C. Caloz, “Scattering in superluminal space-time (ST) modulated electromagnetic crystals,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 63–64.
[391] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Metasurface solar sail,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1057–1058.
[392] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Controllable angular scattering with a bianisotropic metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1489–1490.
[393] X. Wang and C. Caloz, “Phaser-based polarization-dispersive antenan and application to encrypted communication,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 2187–2188.
[394] L. Zou and C. Caloz, “Characterization of dispersion code multiplexing (DCM) in wireless indoor environment,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 931–932.
[395] G. Lavigne, K. Achouri, V. Asadchy, S. Tretyakov, and C. Caloz, “Perfectly refractive metasurface using bianisotropy,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1713–1714.
[396] G. Lavigne and C. Caloz, ““Phasenna” based on a metasurface system,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1941–1942.
[397] L. Chen, K. Achouri, C. Caloz, and E. Kallos, “Manipulating light in nanophotonics devices using double-metasurface cavity,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 879–880.
[398] Y. Vahabzadeh and C. Caloz, “Field moving metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 1717–1718.
[399] Y. Vahabzadeh, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Simulation of space-time varying metasurface using finite-difference time-domain technique,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 441–442.
[400] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic wave amplification based on dispersion engineered intraband photonic transitions,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 53–54.
[401] N. Chamanara, S. Taravati, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic nonreciprocity and perfect mixing in space-time engineered asymmetric bandgaps,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2017, pp. 443–444.
[402] C. Caloz, K. Achouri, G. Lavigne, Y. Vahabzadeh, L. Chen, S. Taravati, and N. Chamanara, “A guided tour in metasurface land: discondinuity conditions, design and applications,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Top. Meet. Comput. Electromagn. (ICCEM), Kumamoto, Japan, Mar. 2017, pp. 310–311, invited.
[403] C. Caloz, “Spacetime metamaterial engineering,” in Metamaterials’2016, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2016, pp. 883–885.
[404] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Surface wave routing of beams by a transparent birefringent metasurface,” in Metamaterials’2016, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2016, pp. 563–565.
[405] C. Caloz and S. Tretyakov, “Nonreciprocal metamaterials: a global perspective,” in Metamaterials’2016, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2016, pp. 431–433.
[406] N. Chamanara, Y. Vahabzadeh, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Exact polychromatic metasurface design: the GSTC approach,” in Metamaterials’2016, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Crete, Greece, Sep. 2016, pp. 294–296.
[407] Q. Zhang, T. Guo, Y. Chen, and C. Caloz, “Design of broadband low-pass reflective phasers,” in URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conf., Seoul, South Korea, Aug. 2016, pp. 1769–1772.
[408] C. Caloz, “Ten applications of metamaterials,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 1299–1300, invited.
[409] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Parity-time (PT) symmetry properties of natural and perfect dispersive media,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 1519–1520, invited.
[410] L. Zou, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Dispersion code modulation for enhanced spectral efficiency in wireless communications,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 1851–1852.
[411] A. Al-Bassam, S. Otto, and C. Caloz, “Dual-channel radiation using a single double-asymmetric periodic leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 2159–2160.
[412] Y. Vahabzadeh and C. Caloz, “GSTC-based simulation of metasurfaces in finite difference techniques,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 373–374.
[413] K. Achouri, B. A. Khan, C. Caloz, V. Asadchy, and S. Tretyakov, “Synthesis of nongyrotropic nonreciprocal metasurface as an equivalent moving medium,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 371–372, invited.
[414] K. Achouri and C. Caloz, “Metasurface diffraction orders analysis,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 1081–1082.
[415] W. Liao, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, W. Rui, and C. Caloz, “Phaser-based feeding network for axial ratio bandwidth enhancement in circularly polarized antennas,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 1597–1597.
[416] N. Nguyen-Trong, C. Fumeaux, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Pulse radiation from a leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 87–88.
[417] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, M. Skorobogatiy, and C. Caloz, “Diagrammatic explanation of the reverse Doppler effect in space-time modulated photonic crystals,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 2101–2102.
[418] N. Chamanara, Y. Vahabzadeh, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Spacetime processing metasurfaces: GSTC synthesis and prospective applications,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 365–366.
[419] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “PML inspired transparent metamaterials,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Fajaro, Puerto Rico, Jun. 2016, pp. 109–110.
[420] C. Caloz, K. Achouri, Y. Vahabzadeh, and N. Chamanara, “Spacetime metasurfaces: new fontiers in optics with two-dimensional structured sheets,” in Photonics North’2016, Québec, Canada, May 2016, invited.
[421] H. Qu, M. Skorobogatiy, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, and C. Caloz, “Frequency generation in a moving 2-dimensional photonic crystal,” in Photonics North’2016, Québec, Canada, May 2016.
[422] C. Caloz, “Tomorrow’s metamaterials: manipulation of electromagnetic waves in space, time and spacetime,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Davos Switzerland, Apr. 2016, invited.
[423] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic spectrum transformation in space-time modulated and dispersion engineered graphene surface plasmons,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Davos Switzerland, Apr. 2016, invited.
[424] L. Zou, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Reconfigurable phaser using gain-loss c-sections for radio analog signal processing (R-ASP),” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Nanjing, China, Dec. 2015.
[425] C. Caloz, “A ten-year journey in leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE Conf. Antenna Meas. Appl. (CAMA), Chiang Mai, Thailand, Dec. 2015, invited (keynote talk).
[426] S. Gupta, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “All-pass metasurfaces based on interconnected dielectric resonators as a spatial phaser for real-time analog signal processing,” in IEEE Conf. Antenna Meas. Appl. (CAMA), Chiang Mai, Thailand, Dec. 2015.
[427] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metasurface performing up to four independent wave transformations,” in IEEE Conf. Antenna Meas. Appl. (CAMA), Chiang Mai, Thailand, Dec. 2015, invited.
[428] C. Caloz, “Metamaterial-based electromagnetic space, time and spacetime dispersion engineering,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, invited.
[429] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal graphene magnetoplasmons: latest advances,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, pp. 624–626.
[430] L. Zou, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Time-reversal based routing in dispersion code multiple access (DCMA),” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, pp. 366–369.
[431] W. Dyab, C. Caloz, and S. Otto, “Interpretation of complex frequencies in propagation problems,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, pp. 337–340.
[432] R. Zang, C. Caloz, and Q. Zhang, “Relay multiplexing enhancement using a nonreciprocal antenna array,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, pp. 271–273.
[433] B. A. Khan, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Spatial nonreciprocal and nongyrotropic structure,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, pp. 154–157.
[434] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Improvement of metasurface continuity conditions,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2015, pp. 123–125.
[435] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Transistor metasurface,” in Metamaterials’2015, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Oxford, England, Sep. 2015.
[436] M. A. Salem, K. Achouri, C. Caloz, E. Kallos, and G. Palikaras, “Cavity-backed non-uniform partially reflective metasurface (PRM) for enhanced directivity and power extraction,” in Metamaterials’2015, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Oxford, England, Sep. 2015.
[437] S. Taravati and C. Caloz, “Versatile phasers constituted of coupling-free nonuniform stub-loaded transmission lines,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Sep. 2015, pp. 359–362.
[438] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Multi-dimensional real-time spectrum analysis for high-resolution signal processing,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2015, pp. 1412–1415, invited.
[439] M. Salem and C. Caloz, “Temporal photonic crystals: causality versus periodicity,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2015, pp. 489–493, invited.
[440] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Efficient numerical modelling of a special class of photonic crystals using the tight binding approach,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 191–192, invited.
[441] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Magnetless ring circulator based on nonreciprocal phasers,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 1628–1629.
[442] G. Zhang, Q. Zhang, F. Yang, Y.Chen, C. Caloz, and R. D. Murch, “Phaser-based feeding network for uniformly scanning antenna arrays,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 236–237.
[443] S. Gupta, L. Zou, and C. Caloz, “Bit-Error-Rate (BER) performance in Dispersion Code Multiple Access (DCMA),” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 1015–1016.
[444] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Real–time 2-D spectral-decomposition using a leaky-wave antenna array with dispersive feeding network,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 29–30.
[445] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Birefringent “generalized refractive” metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 878–879.
[446] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “A complete expansion set for free-space Green function using Kontorovich-Lebedev transform,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 1618–1619.
[447] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Launching OAM-carrying waves by a leaky circular current loop,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 1066–1067.
[448] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Scattering similarities and differences in space and time discontinuous media,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 1624–1625.
[449] S. Taravati and C. Caloz, “Space-time modulated nonreciprocal mixing, amplifying and scanning leaky-wave antenna system,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 639–640.
[450] Z.-L. Deck-Léger, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “X wave transformation under time discontinuity,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Vancouver, BC, Jul. 2015, pp. 1120–1121.
[451] S. Otto and C. Caloz, “Solving the broadside radiation issue in periodic leaky-wave antennas,” in Asia-Pacific Conf. Antennas Propag. (APCAP), Bali, Indonesia, Jun. 2015.
[452] W. Liao, Q. Zhang, Y. Chen, and C. Caloz, “Phaser-based feeding network for axial ratio bandwidth enhancement in circularly polarized antennas,” in Asia-Pacific Conf. Antennas Propag. (APCAP), Bali, Indonesia, Jun. 2015.
[453] C. Caloz, “Novel space, time and space-time processing materials and devices for RF-THz applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Ser. Adv. Mater. Proces. RF THz Appl. (IMWS-AMP 2015), Suzhou, China, Jun. 2015.
[454] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Magnetically switchable graphene coupler and application to a magnetic probe,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Ser. Adv. Mater. Proces. RF THz Appl. (IMWS-AMP 2015), Suzhou, China, Jun. 2015.
[455] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Scattering in spatiotemporal media,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Ser. Adv. Mater. Proces. RF THz Appl. (IMWS-AMP 2015), Suzhou, China, Jun. 2015.
[456] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “2-D real-time spectrum analysis,” in Photonics North’2015, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2015.
[457] M. A. Salem, K. Achouri, and C. Caloz, “Birefringent metasurfac synthesis for vortex wave generation,” in Photonics North’2015, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2015.
[458] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Magnetless graphene-ferrite infrared plasmonic isolator,” in Photonics North’2015, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2015.
[459] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Metasurface non-reciprocity engineering,” in URSI Atlantic Radio Sci. Conf., Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.
[460] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of nonreciprocal lossless two-port networks using coupling matrix techniques,” in URSI Atlantic Radio Sci. Conf., Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.
[461] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Sub-cycle time-varying electromagnetic systems,” in URSI Atlantic Radio Sci. Conf., Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.
[462] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Graphene magnetoplasmonic principles, structures and devices,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015, invited.
[463] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Wave propagation in periodic temporal slabs,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
[464] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Minimization of metasurface susceptibility range by optimizing the longitudinal phase and polarization angle,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
[465] B. Gurlek and C. Caloz, “Towards reflection-less or total reflection magnet-less nonreciprocal metasurface,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
[466] S. Gupta, B. A. Khan, and C. Caloz, “Forward and backward coupled ring based electromagnetic phasers,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
[467] A. Al-Bassam, S. Otto, and C. Caloz, “Role of symmetries in periodic leaky-wave antennas, with emphasis on the double-asymmetry case,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
[468] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic space, time and space-time processing for mmw and thz technology,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Top. Meet. Comput. Electromagn. (ICCEM), Hong Kong, China, Feb. 2015, pp. 16–18, invited.
[469] S. Taravati, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “Non-uniform C-section phasers for enhanced design flexibility in radio analog signal processing,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Rome, Italy, Oct. 2014, pp. 21–24.
[470] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of phasers for real-time signal processing using filter techniques,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Guangzhou, China, Aug. 2014.
[471] C. Caloz, K. Achouri, and M. A. Salem, “Metasurfaces for moulding waves: synthesis and implementation roads,” in Metamaterials’2014, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 2014, invited.
[472] K. Achouri, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Metasurface synthesis assuming reduced susceptibility tensors,” in Metamaterials’2014, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 2014.
[473] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Multiphysics modeling of a triple-scale graphene sheet - magnetic nanowire - FSS gyrotropic metasurface,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Beijing, China, Aug. 2014, invited.
[474] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Graphene magnetoplasmons in periodic magnetic field,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Beijing, China, Aug. 2014, invited.
[475] M. Salem and C. Caloz, “Metasurface synthesis using momentum transformation,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Beijing, China, Aug. 2014, invited.
[476] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Synthesis of phasers for real-time analog signal processing,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Beijing, China, Aug. 2014, invited.
[477] C. Caloz, “New horizons in metasurfaces: non-reciprocity and vorticity,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Aruba, Aug. 2014, pp. 640–642, invited.
[478] C. Caloz and S. Otto, “The symmetry secrets of periodic leaky-wave antennas,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Aruba, Aug. 2014, pp. 643–645, invited.
[479] S. Gupta, C. Caloz, and L. J. Jiang, “Traveling-wave antennas with exotic radiation patterns,” in IEEE-APS Top. Conf. Antennas Propagat. Wirel. Comm., Aruba, Aug. 2014, pp. 608–611, invited.
[480] T. Szkopek, C. Caloz, and H. S. Skulason, “Large area graphene electromagnetic devices,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Victoria, Canada, Jul. 2014, invited.
[481] N. Chamanara, T. Szkopek, and C. Caloz, “Terahertz graphene magnetoplasmons: non-reciprocity, tunability and gyrotropy,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Victoria, Canada, Jul. 2014, invited.
[482] C. Caloz, “Radio analog signal processing: for millimeter-wave and terahertz applications,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Victoria, Canada, Jul. 2014, invited.
[483] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Multiscale and multiphysics graphene sheet – magnetic nanowire gyrotropic metamaterial,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Memphis, TN, Jul. 2014, pp. 888–889.
[484] L. Zou and C. Caloz, “Concept of combined phaser-antenna – “phasenna”? – for wireless radio analog signal processing (R-ASP),” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Memphis, TN, Jul. 2014, pp. 822–823.
[485] S. Gupta, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Reduced-permittivity meandered single-beam full-space scanning phase-reversal leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Memphis, TN, Jul. 2014, pp. 63–64.
[486] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Propagation-invariant beam launching metasurface,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Memphis, TN, Jul. 2014, pp. 1220–1221, invited.
[487] A. Al-Bassam, M. A. Salem, and C. Caloz, “Vortex beam generation using circular leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Memphis, TN, Jul. 2014, pp. 1792–1793.
[488] L. Zou, Q. Zhang, and C. Caloz, “High-resolution transmission-type (TT) dispersive delay structure (DDS) based on reflection-type (RT) elements,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Tampa Bay, FL, Jun. 2014.
[489] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Metasurface synthesis using momentum transformation,” in META’14, Singapore, May 2014, invited.
[490] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Tunable magnetless non-reciprocal metamaterials and their application to circulators,” in META’14, Singapore, May 2014, invited.
[491] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal graphene magnetoplasmons: terahertz components and devices,” in META’14, Singapore, May 2014, invited.
[492] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Tunable terahertz graphene magnetoplasmons: non-reciprocal components and applications,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), The Hague, Netherlands, Apr. 2013, pp. 488–489, invited.
[493] C. Caloz and S. Otto, “A tour on recent developments and discoveries of crucial practical importance in leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Nuremberg, Germany, Oct. 2013, pp. 495–498, invited.
[494] C. Caloz, T. Kodera, and D. L. Sounas, “Semiconductor-based non-reciprocal gyrotorpic metamaterials requiring no external magnetic field,” in Metamaterials’2013, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2013, invited.
[495] C. Caloz, D. L. Sounas, L.-P. Carignan, H. Zhan, and N. Chamanara, “Transparent graphene-based non-reciprocal devices magnetically biased with ferromagnetic nanowire metamaterials and electrically biased with frequency selective surfaces,” in Metamaterials’2014, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2013.
[496] M. A. Salem and C. Caloz, “Precision orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing communication using a metasurface,” in Metamaterials’2014, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2013.
[497] B. Gurlek, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Enhancing the transparency of gyrotropic magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials (MNMs) using slot pair particles,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2013, pp. 1481–1484, invited.
[498] S. Gupta, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Enhanced-resolution folded C-section phaser,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. App. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2013, pp. 771–773.
[499] S. Gupta, L. J. Jiang, and C. Caloz, “Magneto-electric dipole antenna based on differentially-excited composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission lines,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2013, pp. 765–766.
[500] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Hybrid spatial-spectral integral equation for periodic guided wave problems and applications to magnetoplasmonics in graphene,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2013, pp. 247–249.
[501] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials: a new paradigm for the 21st century,” in Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millim. Waves and THz (IRMMW-THz), Mainz on the Rhine, Germany, Sep. 2013, invited (plenary talk).
[502] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials,” in Progr. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2013.
[503] N. Chamanara and C. Caloz, “Integral equation for guided-wave problems and application to magneto-plasmonics in graphene,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jul. 2013, pp. 732–733.
[504] S. Otto and C. Caloz, “Importance of transversal and longitudinal symmetry/asymmetry in the fundamental properties of periodic leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jul. 2013, pp. 240–241, invited.
[505] D. L. Sounas, C. Caloz, and A. Alù, “Non-reciprocal metamaterials with angular momentum biasing,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jul. 2013.
[506] B. Gurlek, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Deficiency of the conventional polarizability concept for dense composite materials,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Jul. 2013.
[507] T. Szkopek, H. S. Skulasson, D. L. Sounas, H. V. Nguyen, A. Guermoune, M. Siaj, and C. Caloz, “Magnetoconductance and Faraday rotation in graphene at microwave frequencies,” in Graphene Week, Chemnitz, Germany, Jun. 2013.
[508] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Multi-function reconfigurable microwave component based on a switchable FET circuit,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Seattle, WA, Jun. 2013.
[509] D. L. Sounas, H. S. Skulason, T. Szkopek, and C. Caloz, “Graphene non-reciprocal electromagnetic activity at microwave frequencies,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 1074–1077, invited.
[510] C. Caloz, “A personal perspective on CRLH antennas,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 882–884, invited.
[511] C. Caloz, A. Shahvarpour, D. L. Sounas, T. Kodera, B. Gurlek, and N. Chamanara, “Practical realization of perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) boundaries using ferrites, magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials (MNMs) and grahene,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 652–655, invited.
[512] P. Lemaître-Auger, R. Siragusa, C. Caloz, and D. Kaddour, “Circular antenna arrays for near-field focused or multi-focused beams,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 425–428, invited.
[513] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials with magnetic or electric gyrotropy,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 397–400, invited.
[514] N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocity with graphene magnetoplasmons and application to plasmonic isolators,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 266–268, invited.
[515] Q. Zhang, B. Nikfal, and C. Caloz, “High-resolution real-time spectrum sniffer for wireless communication,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013, pp. 64–66, invited.
[516] N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Optically transparent and flexible graphene planar microwave structures,” in IEEE Int. Wirel. Symp., Beijing, China, Apr. 2013.
[517] N. Chamanara, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Graphene magnetoplasmons: principles and applications,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013, pp. 488–489, invited.
[518] B. Nikfal and C. Caloz, “Real-time sector detection based on a reconfigurable leaky-wave antenna,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013, pp. 1729–1731, invited.
[519] T. Kodera, D. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Switchable Faraday rotation by artificial electric gyrotropy in a slot-ring metamaterial structure,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013, pp. 1574–1576.
[520] C. Caloz, T. Kodera, and D. L. Sounas, “Magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials,” in META’13, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Mar. 2013, invited (keynote talk).
[521] D. L. Sounas, B. Gurlek, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Analytical modeling of a magnetless non-reciprocal metasurface under oblique plane-wave incidence,” in META’13, Sharjah , United Arab Emirates, Mar. 2013, invited.
[522] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal Faraday rotation in graphene: just a unique phenomenon or even more?” in IEEE Radio Wirel. Week, Austin, TX, Jan. 2013, pp. 352–354, invited.
[523] Q. Zhang and C. Caloz, “Design of cross-coupled phasers for analog signal processing,” in IEEE Radio Wirel. Week, Austin, TX, Jan. 2013, pp. 172–174, invited.
[524] C. Caloz, S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, and Q. Zhang, “Analog signal processing (ASP) for high-speed microwave and millimeter-wave systems,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2012, pp. 691–692, invited.
[525] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Tunable magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterial (mnm) and its application to an isolator,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2012, pp. 73–75.
[526] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterial and its applications in radiative structures,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 2012.
[527] C. Caloz, “Multiphysics nanoelectromagnetics,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Cape Town, South Africa, Sep. 2012, pp. 861–864, invited.
[528] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Generalized network analysis of graphene sheets in arbitrary waveguide environment,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Cape Town, South Africa, Sep. 2012, pp. 634–637, invited.
[529] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Graphene for highly tunable non-reciprocal electromagnetic devices,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012, invited.
[530] S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “CRLH LWA with polarization diversity using equalized common and differential modes,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012.
[531] H. Shoorian, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Bessel beam scattering by a conducting sphere,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012.
[532] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “A novel non-local polarizabilities model for accurate homogenization of metamaterials,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012.
[533] D. L. Sounas, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Network modeling of multi-layer magnet-less non-reciprocal gyrotropic metamaterials,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012.
[534] A. Shahvarpour, S. Couture, and C. Caloz, “Bandwidth enhancement of a patch antenna using a wire-ferrite substrate,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012.
[535] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Faraday rotation by artificial electric gyrotropy in a transparent slot-ring metamaterial structure,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2012.
[536] C. Caloz and D. L. Sounas, “Field theory of electromagnetic metamaterials and beyond,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012, invited.
[537] D. L. Sounas, T. Szkopek, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal gyrotropy in graphene: new phenomena and applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012, invited.
[538] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Highly dispersive delay structure exploiting the tight coupling property of the CRLH-CRLH coupler for enhanced resolution analog signal processing,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
[539] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Isolator utilizing artificial magnetic gyrotropy,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
[540] S. Otto, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Complex frequency versus complex propagation constant modeling and Q-balancing in periodic structures,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
[541] B. Nikfal and C. Caloz, “Hybrid time-frequency RFID system,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
[542] H. S. Skulason, H. V. Nguyen, A. Guermoune, M. Siaj, C. Caloz, and T. Szkopek, “Contactless impedance measurement of large-area high-quality graphene,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
[543] C. Caloz, “Next-generation metamaterials,” in International workshop on microwave and millimeter wave circuits and system technology (MMWCST), Chengdu, China, Apr. 2012, invited (plenary talk).
[544] D. Ménard, L.-P. Carignan, V. Boucher, C. Caloz, and A. Yelon, “Engineering the electromagnetic properties of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,” in Adv. Electromagn. Symp. (AES), Paris, France, Apr. 2012, invited.
[545] C. Caloz, D. L. Sounas, and T. Kodera, “Magnet-less non-reciprocal metamaterials: an industrial breakthrough?” in Fifth Int. Workshop Electromagn. Metamaterials (IWEM-V), Albuquerque, NM, Mar. 2012, invited.
[546] S. Otto, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Recent advances in the modeling of periodic leaky-wave antennas scanning through broadside,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012, invited.
[547] S. Otto, A. Al-Bassam, A. Rennings, K. Sobach, and C. Caloz, “Q-balancing in periodic leaky-wave antennas to mitigate broadside radiation issues,” in German Microw. Conf. (GeMIC), Ilmenau , Germany, Mar. 2012.
[548] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Graphene-based gyrotropic microwave and THz components,” in IEEE Radio Wirel. Week Workshop on Advances of Nanoelectronics in RF Technology, Santa Clara, CA, Jan. 2012, invited.
[549] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials and their microwave applications,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011, invited (short course).
[550] C. Caloz, “Next-generation metamaterials for unprecedented microwave systems,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011, invited (plenary talk).
[551] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials and their microwave applications,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP) Short Course, Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011, invited.
[552] C. Caloz, “Recent advances in metamaterial leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011, invited.
[553] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “PEMC metamaterial surface whose gyrotropy is provided by traveling-wave ring resonators,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011, invited.
[554] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Dispersion-compensation technique for log-periodic antennas using C-section all-pass dispersive delay structures,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011.
[555] S. Couture, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Surface and leaky-wave modes in a grounded dielectric slab covered with graphene,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2011.
[556] L.-P. Carignan, H. Razavipour, D. Ménard, A. Yelon, and C. Caloz, “Ferromagnetic nanowire metamaterials : theory and application,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP) Workshop on Novel Devices and Advanced Modeling Techniques in RF Nanoelectronics, Manchester, UK, Oct. 2011, p. 73, invited.
[557] D. L. Sounas, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal gyrotropic semiconductor-based metasurface not requiring magnetic bias,” in Metamaterials’2011, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2011, pp. 636–638, invited.
[558] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Gyrotropic properties of graphene and subsequent microwave applications,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Manchester, England, Oct. 2011, pp. 1142–1145, invited.
[559] B. Nikfal and C. Caloz, “Low-complexity and frequency-scalable analog real-time FDM receiver based on a dispersive delay structure,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Manchester, England, Oct. 2011, pp. 397–400.
[560] C. Caloz, “Next-generation metamaterials for unprecedented microwave systems,” in Int. Conf. Telecommun. Mod. Satell. Cable. Broadcast. Serv. (TELSIKS), Niš, Serbia, Oct. 2011, pp. 3–12, invited (plenary talk).
[561] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Field displacement in a graphene loaded waveguide,” in Int. Conf. Telecommun. Mod. Satell. Cable. Broadcast. Serv. (TELSIKS), Niš, Serbia, Oct. 2011, pp. 25–26, invited.
[562] N. Yang, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Mixed-mode characterization of a circularly-polarized CRLH leaky-wave antenna,” in Int. Conf. Telecommun. Mod. Satell. Cable. Broadcast. Serv. (TELSIKS), Niš, Serbia, Oct. 2011, pp. 27–30.
[563] L.-P. Carignan, D. Ménard, and C. Caloz, “Ferromagnetic nanowire material electromagnetic and quantum devices,” in Int. Conf. Telecommun. Mod. Satell. Cable. Broadcast. Serv. (TELSIKS), Niš, Serbia, Oct. 2011, pp. 47–50.
[564] S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, and C. Caloz, “Amplitude equalized transmission line dispersive delay structure for analog signal processing,” in Int. Conf. Telecommun. Mod. Satell. Cable. Broadcast. Serv. (TELSIKS), Niš, Serbia, Oct. 2011, pp. 379–382.
[565] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, and C. Caloz, “Artificial magnetic gyrotropy and its application to RF devices,” in IEICE Soc. Conf., Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2011, pp. 22–23.
[566] T. Kaneko, Y. Horii, S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, and C. Caloz, “Design of multilayer broadside-coupled dispersive delay structures (DDS) for real-time analog signal processing,” in IEICE Soc. Conf., Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2011, p. 86.
[567] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Next generation metamaterials: From the micro to the atomic scales,” in Regroupement Québécois sur les Matériaux de Pointe Summer School, Mont Orford, Canada, Aug. 2011, invited.
[568] L.-P. Carignan, V. Boucher, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Microwave response of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,” in Moscow Int. Symp. Magn., Moscow, Russia, Aug. 2011, invited.
[569] M. Dagher, D. L. Sounas, R. Martel, and C. Caloz, “AC conductivity of metallic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exposed to a DC field,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011.
[570] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Radiation efficiency enhancement of a horizontal dipole on an electrically thick substrate by a PMC ground plane,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011.
[571] T. Kodera, D. L. Sounas, H. V. Nguyen, H. Razavipour, and C. Caloz, “Field displacement in a traveling-wave ring resonator meta-structure,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011, invited.
[572] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “New type of gyrotropy in graphene - Comparison with gyrotropy in plasmas,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011.
[573] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Measurement of balanced antennas using mixed-mode network parameters,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011.
[574] P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Circular antenna array for microwave bessel beam generation,” in URSI Gen. Assem. Sci. Symp. (GASS), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2011.
[575] C. Caloz, “The new paradigm of multiscale metamaterials,” in Int. Workshop. Fibre. Opt. Passiv. Compon. (WFOPC), Montréal, Canada, Jul. 2011, invited (keynote talk).
[576] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Graphene-based non-reciprocal spatial isolator,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011, pp. 1597–1600.
[577] S. Gupta, C. Caloz, M. Samardzija, S. Yuanfeng, J. Hirokawa, and M. Ando, “Corrugations for suppressing undesired wave propagation in the transverse direction in a 45∘ linearly polarized 76 GHz parallel-plate waveguide two-dimensional slot-array,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011, pp. 3025–3028.
[578] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Analysis of the radiation efficiency of a horizontal electric dipole on a grounded dielectric slab,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011, pp. 1293–1296.
[579] D. L. Sounas, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal gyrotropic electrically-biased ring metasurface,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011, invited.
[580] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, N. Yang, and C. Caloz, “Planar and compact circularly-polarized CRLH LWA using longitudinal and transversal radiation currents,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011.
[581] N. Yang, C. Caloz, D. Jackson, and K. Wu, “Generalized phase-shifted unit-cell periodic leaky-wave antennas for single-beam full-space scanning,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011.
[582] S. Otto, A. Rennings, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz, “Broadside radiation in frequency-scanning periodic leaky-wave antennas: circuit analysis, asymptotic formulas, and fundamental behaviors,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, WA, Jul. 2011.
[583] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Gyrotropy and non-reciprocity of graphene for microwave applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Baltimore, MD, Jun. 2011, invited.
[584] D. R. Jackson, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “The legacy of professor Nathan Marcuvitz and the field of leaky waves,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Baltimore, MD, Jun. 2011.
[585] H. S. Skulason, H. V. Nguyen, A. Guermoune, M. Siaj, C. Caloz, and T. Szkopek, “Integration of graphene into low-loss, high frequency coplanar waveguide circuits,” in Graphene: the Road to Applications, Boston, MA, May 2011.
[586] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials and their microwave applications,” in IEEE Wirel. Microw. Tech. Conf. (WAMICON), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2011, invited (short course).
[587] D. L. Sounas and C. Caloz, “Graphene-based non-reciprocal metasurface,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011, pp. 2566–2569, invited.
[588] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “End-switched CRLH leaky-wave antenna with enhanced electronic full-space beam steering performance,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011, pp. 3657–3659.
[589] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials: A new paradigm in modern science and technology,” in IEICE Workshop on Recent Progress in Microwave/Millimeter-wave Technologies and Applications, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010, invited.
[590] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials and their microwave applications,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010, invited (short course).
[591] H. Razavipour, L.-P. Carignan, D. Ménard, A. Yelon, and C. Caloz, “Ferromagnetic nanowire (FMNW) self-biased h-plane resonance isolator,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010, pp. 1517–1520.
[592] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Anisotropic meta-substrate conical-beam leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010, pp. 299–302.
[593] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Leakage control in the CRLH uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide leaky-wave antenna using a transversally extending evanescent waveguide structure,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010, pp. 869–872.
[594] S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, and C. Caloz, “RFID system based on pulse-position modulation using group delay engineered microwave C-sections,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010, pp. 203–206.
[595] L.-P. Carignan, D. Ménard, A. Yelon, and C. Caloz, “Recent advances in ferromagnetic nanowire composites for microwave applications,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP) Workshop on Nanotechnologies : The Gateway to Innovative Radio Frequency Devices, Paris, France, Oct. 2010, p. 80, invited.
[596] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Analysis of the radiation properties of a point source on a uniaxially anisotropic meta-substrate and application to a high-efficiency antenna,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Sep. 2010, pp. 1425–1428.
[597] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Integrated leaky-wave antenna front-end using a ferrite-loaded open waveguide structure,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Sep. 2010, pp. 468–472.
[598] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Analog inverse Fourier transformer using group delay engineered C-section all-pass network,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Sep. 2010, pp. 389–392.
[599] C. Caloz, “Metamaterial dispersion engineering: a new paradigm in microwave science and technology,” in Metamaterials’2010, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Karlsruhe, Germany, Sep. 2010, pp. 1–2, invited (plenary talk).
[600] A. Rennings, P. Schneider, S. Otto, D. Erni, C. Caloz, and M. E. Ladd, “A CRLH zeroth-order resonant antenna (ZORA) with high near-field polarization purity used as an RF coil element for ultra high field MRI,” in Metamaterials’2010, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Karlsruhe, Germany, Sep. 2010, pp. 92–94, invited.
[601] D. Ménard, V. Boucher, L.-P. Carignan, S. Hadj-Messaoud, C. Lacroix, C. Caloz, and A. Yelon, “Microwave response of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,” in Int. Workshop Magn. Wires. (IWMW), Bodrum, Turkey, Jul. 2010, p. 6, invited.
[602] S. Couture, J. Gauthier, A. Parsa, T. Kodera, and C. Caloz, “Tunable NRI wedge made of metallic wires in a ferrite host: lens structure, experimental demonstration, and scanning antenna / spectral analyzer applications,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Toronto, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[603] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Bandwidth enhancement and beam squint reduction of leaky modes in a uniaxially anisotropic meta-substrate,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Toronto, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[604] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Analog real-time Fourier transformer using a group delay engineered C-section all-pass network,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Toronto, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[605] C. Caloz, T. Kodera, L.-P. Carignan, H. Razavipour, D. Ménard, and A. Yelon, “Ferromagnetic nanowire materials and their application to leaky-wave antennas with the benefits of self-biasing, integration and double ferromagnetic resonance,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[606] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Full-space scanning phase reversal traveling wave antenna,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[607] S. Couture, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Design of a size-independent zero-permittivity rectangular resonator and possible antenna applications,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Ottawa, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[608] A. Shahvarpour, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Spectral transmission line analysis of a composite right/left-handed uniaxially anisotropic meta-substrate,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Ottawa, Canada, Jul. 2010.
[609] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “High-effciency balanced phase-reversal antennas: principle, bandwidth enhancement, frequency tuning, and beam scanning,” in American Electromagn. Conf. (AMEREM), Ottawa, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[610] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Novel magnetic radiative structures inspired by metamaterial concepts,” in American Electromagnetics Conf. (AMEREM), Ottawa, Canada, Jul. 2010.
[611] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Impulse-regime analysis of metamaterial-based leaky-wave antennas and applications,” in American Electromagn. Conf. (AMEREM), Ottawa, Canada, Jul. 2010, invited.
[612] D. Ménard, V. Boucher, L.-P. Carignan, S. Hadj-Messaoud, C. Lacroix, C. Caloz, and A. Yelon, “Engineering the microwave response of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,” in Int. Conf. Microw. Magn. (ICMM), Boston, MA, Jun. 2010, p. 94, invited.
[613] L.-P. Carignan, V. Boucher, C. Lacroix, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Double ferromagnetic resonance in Cofeb ferromagnetic nanowire arrays and application to selfbiased microwave devices,” in Int. Conf. Microw. Magn. (ICMM), Boston, MA, Jun. 2010, p. 41.
[614] C. Caloz, “Some novel directions in metamaterial enginering,” in Inst. Pure. Appl. Math. Workshop Metamaterials: Appl. Anal. Model., Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 2010.
[615] C. Caloz, “Recent advances in metamaterial smart antenna concepts and applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS) Workshop Practical Metamaterial RF and Antennas for Commercial Application, Anaheim, CA, May 2010, invited.
[616] L.-P. Carignan, T. Kodera, D. Ménard, A. Yelon, and C. Caloz, “Ferromagnetic nanowire metamaterial structures for microwave applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS) Workshop on New Microwave Devices and Materials Based on Nanotechnology, Anaheim, CA, May 2010, invited.
[617] C. Caloz, L.-P. Carignan, V. Boucher, T. Kodera, S. Couture, A. Parsa, D. Ménard, and A. Yelon, “Recent advances in micro-structured electric and nano-structured magnetic microwave metamaterials,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Anaheim, CA, May 2010, pp. 1416–1419, invited.
[618] L.-P. Carignan, C. Caloz, and D. Ménard, “Dual-band integrated self-biased edge-mode isolator based on the double ferromagnetic resonance of a bistable nanowire substrate,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Anaheim, CA, May 2010, pp. 1336–1339.
[619] S. Otto, A. Rennings, T. Liebig, C. Caloz, and K. Solbach, “An energy-based circuit parameter extraction method for CRLH leaky-wave antennas,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2010.
[620] R. Siragusa, E. Perret, H. V. Hoang, P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Tedjini, and C. Caloz, “Automated design and sensitivity of CRLH balanced structures using co-design approach,” in Metamaterials’2010, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 2010.
[621] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Novel power recycling schemes for enhanced radiation efficiency in leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Singapore, Dec. 2009.
[622] S. Gupta, J. S. Gómez-Díaz, and C. Caloz, “Frequency resolved electrical gating (FREG) system based on a CRLH leaky-wave antenna for UWB signal characterization,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Singapore, Dec. 2009.
[623] R. Siragusa, H. V. Nguyen, E. Perret, P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Tedjini, and C. Caloz, “Automated design of CRLH structures using co-design synthesis computational approach,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Singapore, Dec. 2009.
[624] C. Caloz, “Metamaterial analog signal processing,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC) Workshop on Recent Advances in Microwave Applications of Metamaterial Concepts, Rome, Italy, Sep. 2009, invited.
[625] L.-P. Carignan, T. Kodera, A. Yelon, C. Caloz, and D. Ménard, “Integrated and self-biased planar magnetic microwave circuits based on ferromagnetic nanowire substrates,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Rome, Italy, Sep. 2009, pp. 743–746.
[626] A. Shahvarpour, T. Kodera, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Realization of an effective free-space perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) boundary by a grounded ferrite slab using Faraday rotation,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Rome, Italy, Sep. 2009, pp. 731–734.
[627] S. Gupta, J. S. Gómez-Díaz, and C. Caloz, “Frequency resolved electrical gating (FREG) system based on a CRLH leaky-wave antenna for UWB signal characterization,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Rome, Italy, Sep. 2009, pp. 622–625.
[628] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, S. Gupta, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Numerical analysis of impulse regime phenomena in linear and non-linear metamaterial transmission lines,” in Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appl. (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2009, invited.
[629] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, S. Gupta, J. L. Gomez-Tornero, M. Garcia-Vigueras, C. Caloz, and A. Álvarez Melcón, “Efecto Talbot espacio-temporal basado en CRLH LWAs: fundamentos y validacion experimental,” in Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica de Radio URSI, Santander, Spain, Sep. 2009.
[630] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, S. Gupta, J. Pascual-Garcia, D. Canete-Rebenaque, F. D. Quesada-Pereira, C. Caloz, and A. Álvarez Melcón, “Resonador CRLH de banda ancha: aplicacion para la multiplicacion sintonizable de la periodicidad de un tren de pulsos,” in Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica de Radio URSI, Santander, Spain, Sep. 2009.
[631] A. Rennings, P. Schneider, C. Caloz, and S. Orzada, “Preliminary experiments on a CRLH metamaterial zeroth-order resonant coil (ZORC) element for 7 tesla MRI applications with large field of wiew,” in Metamaterials’2009, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., London, England, Aug. 2009, pp. 126–128, invited.
[632] A. Rennings, T. Liebig, S. Otto, C. Caloz, and D. Erni, “Directive antennas based on zeroth-order resonant CRLH metamaterials implemented in multilayer-technology,” in Metamaterials’2009, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., London, England, Aug. 2009, pp. 376–378.
[633] C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterial structures: Some more concepts and applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS) Rump Session on Metamaterials, Boston, MA, Jun. 2009.
[634] C. Caloz, “Reconfigurability at microwaves using recent metamterial concepts and techniques,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS) Workshop on Tunable RF-Components and Modules for Wireless Communication Systems, Boston, MA, Jun. 2009, invited.
[635] A. Shahvarpour and C. Caloz, “Ferrite effective perfect magnetic conductor (fe-pmc) and application to waveguide miniaturization,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Boston, MA, Jun. 2009, pp. 25–28.
[636] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Leaky-wave antenna integrated duplexer using CRLH uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Boston, MA, Jun. 2009, pp. 21–24.
[637] M. Aljerjawi, C. Nerguizian, R. G. Bosisio, Y. Xu, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Wave-radio interferometer transceiver for UWB,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Boston, MA, Jun. 2009, pp. 13–16.
[638] S. M. Mikki, C. Caloz, and A. A. Kishk, “On the nature of electromagnetic interactions at the nanoscale,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jun. 2009, invited.
[639] S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Direction of arrival estimation using an electronically-scanned CRLH leaky-wave antenna,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jun. 2009.
[640] A. Parsa, R. Paknys, and C. Caloz, “Design and implementation of a rectangular dielectric resonator using artificial plasma for quality factor enhancement,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jun. 2009.
[641] A. Parsa and C. Caloz, “Reflection characteristics of two parallel reinforced concrete slabs,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jun. 2009.
[642] T. Kodera, A. Parsa, and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal ferrite antenna radome: the faradome,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jun. 2009.
[643] C. Caloz, “Recent advances in microwave applications of metamaterials,” in Los Alamos National Laboratory International Workshop on Electromagnetic Metamaterials III: Toward Real World Applications, Los Alamos, New Mexico, May 2009, invited.
[644] R. Siragusa, H. V. Nguyen, E. Perret, P. Lemaître-Auger, S. Tedjini, and C. Caloz, “Méthode de conception automatisée appliquée aux lignes composites main gauche/droite,” in Journées Nationales Microondes, Grenoble, France, May 2009, p. 114.
[645] L.-P. Carignan, M. Massicotte, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Magnetization process in ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,” in IEEE Intermag., Sacramento, CA, May 2009, p. 105.
[646] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Non-reciprocal magnetic frequency selective surface,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 1552–1559.
[647] C. Caloz and A. Rennings, “Overview of metamaterial resonant antennas,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 615–619, invited.
[648] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, C. Caloz, and A. Álvarez Melcón, “Spatio-temporal Talbot effects in impulse-regime metamaterial leaky-wave antennas,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 870–874, invited.
[649] A. Parsa and C. Caloz, “Reflection and transmission by two parallel reinforced concrete slabs,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 2296–2299.
[650] T. Liebig, A. Rennings, S. Otto, C. Caloz, and D. Erni, “Comparison between CRLH zeroth-order antenna (ZORA) and series-fed patch array,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 529–532, invited.
[651] A. Rennings, J. Mosig, A. Bahr, C. Caloz, M. E. Ladd, and D. Erni, “A CRLH metamaterial based RF coil element for magnetic resonance imaging at 7 tesla,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 3231–3234, invited.
[652] C. Caloz, “EBGs and metamaterials: concepts, structures and applications,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009, p. 2939, invited (plenary talk).
[653] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Time-domain Green’s function technique for highly-dispersive metamaterial waveguide and antenna structures,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Hong-Kong, China, Dec. 2008, invited.
[654] T. Kodera and C. Caloz, “Comparison of various ferrite-loaded CRLH leaky-wave antenna structures,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Hong-Kong, China, Dec. 2008, invited.
[655] A. Parsa and C. Caloz, “Rectangular dielectric resonator quality factor enhancement using external corner posts,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Hong-Kong, China, Dec. 2008.
[656] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Center-fed high-gain planar phase-reversal antenna array with enhanced radiation bandwidth for millimeter waves,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Hong-Kong, China, Dec. 2008.
[657] M. Aljerjawi, Y. Xu, C. Nerguizian, C. Caloz, K. Wu, and R. G. Bosisio, “UWB wave radio,” in Softw. Defin. Radio (SDR) Forum Tech. Conf., Washington, DC, Oct. 2008.
[658] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, S. Gupta, M. Martínez-Mendoza, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Estudio de la radiación de antenas CRLH leaky-wave excitadas por pulsos temporales,” in Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica de Radio URSI, Madrid, Spain, Sep. 2008.
[659] C. Caloz, “Microwave metamaterial components and systems,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI) Short Course on Metamaterials and Applications, Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008, invited.
[660] C. Caloz, “Recent advances in metamaterial antennas,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008, invited.
[661] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Spatial demultiplexer based on the spectral decomposition property of the metamaterial leaky-wave antenna,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008.
[662] A. Shahvarpour, S. Gupta, and C. Caloz, “Study of left-handed Schrödinger solitons in an Ag film plasmonic waveguide using a nonlinear transmission line approach,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008.
[663] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Slow-wave rail coplanar strip (R-CPS) line with low impedance capability,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008.
[664] S. Abielmona, S. Gupta, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Dispersion-engineered metamaterial devices for impulse-regime,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2008.
[665] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Analog dispersive time delayer for beam-scanning phased array without beam-squinting,” in Assem. Union Radio Sci. Int. (URSI), Chicago, IL, Jul. 2008.
[666] J. S. Gómez-Díaz, A. Álvarez Melcón, and C. Caloz, “Characterization of pulse radiation by CRLH leaky-wave antennas using a time-domain Green’s function approach,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), San Diego, CA, Jul. 2008.
[667] R. Siragusa, H. V. Nguyen, C. Caloz, and S. Tedjini, “Efficient electronically scanned CRLH leaky-wave antenna using independent double uning for impedance equalization,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jul. 2008.
[668] C. Caloz, L.-P. Carignan, D. Ménard, and A. Yelon, “The concept of multi-scale metamaterials,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jul. 2008.
[669] L.-P. Carignan, C. Lacroix, F. Béron, V. Boucher, C. Caloz, A. Yelon, and D. Ménard, “Dipolar interactions in ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,” in Canadian Assoc. Phys. (CAP) Congr., Québec, QC, Jun. 2008, p. 59.
[670] S. Gupta, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “Leaky-wave based spectrum analyzer with unrestricted time-frequency resolution,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Atlanta, GA, Jun. 2008, pp. 807–810.
[671] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Self-imaging overmoded balanced waveguide power combiner/divider,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Atlanta, GA, Jun. 2008, pp. 883–886.
[672] M. Zedler, P. So, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “Modeling of 3D RTLM based metamaterial structures with negative refractive index: an IIR-filter implementation for SCN TLM full-wave simulators,” in Int. Rev. Progr. Appl. Comput. Electromagn. (ACES), Niagara Falls, ON, Mar. 2008, pp. 721–726, invited.
[673] C. Caloz and S. Gupta, “Phase-engineered metamaterial structures and devices,” in Progr. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Hangzhou, China, Mar. 2008, p. 238, invited.
[674] J.-F. Frigon, C. Caloz, and Y. Y. Zhao, “Dynamic radiation pattern diversity (DRPD) MIMO using CRLH leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE Radio Wirel. Symp., Orlando, FL, Jan. 2008, pp. 635–638.
[675] H. V. Nguyen, N. Yang, and C. Caloz, “CPS backfire-to-endfire leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2007.
[676] A. Rennings, T. Liebig, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “CRLH series mode zeroth order resonant antenna (ZORA) implemented in LTCC technology,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2007.
[677] C. Caloz, “Metamaterial-based microwave components and systems,” in Korea Electromagn. Eng. Soc. (KEES) Workshop Metamaterials, Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 2007, invited (plenary talk).
[678] A. Rennings, T. Liebig, S. Abielmona, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “Tri-band and dual-polarized antenna based on (unbalanced) CRLH transmission line,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Munich, Germany, Oct. 2007, pp. 720–723.
[679] M. Zedler, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “Analysis of a planarized 3D isotropic LH metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Munich, Germany, Oct. 2007, pp. 624–627.
[680] C. Caloz, “A new generation of metamaterial-based electromagnetic devices,” in Los Alamos National Laboratory International Workshop on Electromagnetic Metamaterials II: Gradient Lenses to invisible Cloaks, Los Alamos, New Mexico, May 2007, invited.
[681] M. Zedler, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “Numerical analysis of a planarized 3D isotropic LH metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme,” in IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Tool (EUROCON), Warsaw, Poland, Sep. 2007, pp. 24–27.
[682] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Frequency-scanned slot antenna array fed by boxed stripline CRLH series network,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. (ISAP), Niigata, Japan, Aug. 2007, pp. 1458–1461, invited.
[683] A. Rennings, J. Mosig, S. Gupta, C. Caloz, R. Kashyap, D. Erni, and P. Waldow, “Ultra-compact power splitter based on coupled surface plasmons,” in Int. Symp. Signals Syst. Electron. (ISSSE), Montréal, QC, Jul. 2007, pp. 471–474.
[684] H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, A. Rennings, and C. Caloz, “Pencil-beam, 2D scanning leaky-wave antenna array,” in Int. Symp. Signals Syst. Electron. (ISSSE), Montréal, QC, Jul. 2007, pp. 139–142, invited.
[685] M. Zedler, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “Composite right-left handed (CRLH) metamaterials with Lorentz-type dispersive elements,” in Int. Symp. Signals Syst. Electron. (ISSSE), Montréal, QC, Jul. 2007, pp. 217–221, invited.
[686] N. Yang, C. Caloz, H. V. Nguyen, S. Abielmona, and K. Wu, “Non-radiative CRLH boxed stripline structure with high Q performances,” in URSI Int. Signals Syst. Electron. (EMTS), Ottawa, ON, Jul. 2007, invited.
[687] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Temporal Talbot effect in left-handed metamaterial transmission lines,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Ottawa, ON, Jul. 2007, invited.
[688] C. Caloz, “Emerging metamaterial antennas and their advantages over conventional approaches,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Ottawa, ON, Jul. 2007, invited.
[689] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Anisotropic backward-wave meta-susbtrate and its application to a microstrip leaky-wave antenna,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Jul. 2007.
[690] S. Abielmona and C. Caloz, “Compressive receiver for frequency discrimination based on dispersion-engineered metamaterial delay line,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Jul. 2007.
[691] S. Gupta, S. Abielmona, and C. Caloz, “CRLH carrier-frequency tunable impulse and continuous wave delay lines,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 5523–5526.
[692] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Co-designed CPS UWB filter-antenna system,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 1433–1436.
[693] S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, F. Casares-Miranda, C. Camacho-Peñalosa, and C. Caloz, “Real-time digital beam-forming active leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 5793–5796.
[694] C. Caloz, “A few directions toward the next generations of electromagnetic metamaterials,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007.
[695] M. Zedler, P. Russer, and C. Caloz, “Three dimensional CRLH metamaterial based on a rotated transmission matrix method (RTLM),” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 1827–1830.
[696] A. Rennings, T. Liebig, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Double Lorentz transmission line metamaterials and their applications to triband devices,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 1427–1430.
[697] S. Gupta and C. Caloz, “Dark and bright solitons in left-handed nonlinear transmission line metamaterials,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 979–982.
[698] N. Yang, C. Caloz, and K. Wu, “Broadband and compact double stepped-impedance CPS filters with coupled-resonance enhanced selectivity,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Honolulu, HI, Jun. 2007, pp. 755–758.
[699] A. Rennings, A. Lauer, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Extended equivalent circuit FDTD: special computational cells and their stability criteria,” in Time Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electrodynamics Symp., Munich, Germany, May 2007, invited.
[700] M. Zedler, C. Caloz, and P. Russer, “A 3D isotropic left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme,” in Time Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electrodynamics Symp., Munich, Germany, May 2007, invited.
[701] W. Tong, H. V. Nguyen, Z. Hu, and C. Caloz, “Dual composite rightleft-handed (D-CRLH) transmission line in GaAs MMIC technology,” in IEEE Int. Workshop Antenna Tech. (IWAT), Cambridge, HK, Mar. 2007.
[702] A. Rennings, T. Liebig, S. Otto, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Dual composite right/left-handed (D-CRLH) transmission line in GaAs MMIC technology,” in IEEE Int. Workshop Antenna Tech. (IWAT), Cambridge, UK, Mar. 2007, pp. 105–108.
[703] A. Rennings, T. Liebig, S. Otto, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Highly directive resonator antennas based on composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission lines,” in Int. ITG Conf. Antennas (INICA), Munich, Germany, Mar. 2007.
[704] C. Caloz and S. Gupta, “Dispersion and nonlinearity engineered metamaterial devices,” in Metamaterials’2007, Int. Congr. Adv. Electromagn. Mat. Microw. Opt., Rome, Italy, Mar. 2007, invited.
[705] C. Caloz, H. V. Nguyen, and Y. Zhang, “Novel metamaterial coupled-line couplers: theory and implementations,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Beijing, China, Mar. 2007, invited.
[706] H. V. Nguyen, J. Gauthier, J. M. Fernandez, M. Sierra-Castañer, and C. Caloz, “Metallic wire substrate (MWS) for miniaturization in planar microwave applications,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2006.
[707] A. Rennings, S. Otto, J. Mosig, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Extended composite right/left-handed (E-CRLH) metamaterial and its application as quadband quarter-wavelength transmission line,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2006.
[708] S. Abielmona, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “CRLH zeroth order resonator (ZOR): experimental demonstration of insensitivity to losses and to size,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2006.
[709] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Coupled mode theory approximation for arbitrary conventional/metamaterial contradirectional coupled-line couplers,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2006.
[710] J. M. Fernández, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Metallic wire substrate (MWS) miniaturized antenna,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Nice, France, Nov. 2006.
[711] A. Rennings, S. Otto, T. Liebig, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “Dual-band CRLH ring antenna with linear/circular-polarization capability,” in European Conf. Antennas Propag. (EuCAP), Nice, France, Nov. 2006.
[712] F. P. Casares-Miranda, A. Piche, C. Camacho-Peñalosa, and C. Caloz, “Antenas leaky-wave activas basadas en metamateriales composite right/left-handed,” in Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica de Radio URSI, Oviedo, Spain, Sep. 2006, pp. 1263–1267.
[713] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Dual-band CRLH six-port front-end in MIM technology,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Manchester, UK, Sep. 2006, pp. 122–124.
[714] A. Rennings, M. Coulombe, and C. Caloz, “Unusual wave phenomena in a guiding/radiating clustered dielectric particle (CDP) metamaterial (MTM),” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Manchester, UK, Sep. 2006, pp. 439–442.
[715] C. Caloz, H. V. Nguyen, and A. Sanada, “Novel ultrawideband (UWB) metamaterial (MTM) passive components,” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2006, p. 26, invited.
[716] C. Caloz, M. Coulombe, Y. Horii, and A. Rennings, “Clustered dielectric particle metamaterials (CDP-MTMs),” in Prog. Electromagn. Res. Symp. (PIERS), Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2006, p. 106, invited.
[717] J.-D. Lacasse, J.-J. Laurin, C. Caloz, M. Gavrilovic, A. Fourmault, Y. Brand, and Y. Demers, “A coplanar CRLH leaky-wave antenna on a thin membrane substrate,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Montréal, QC, Jul. 2006, pp. 385–388.
[718] J.-F. Jobin-Lépine, H. V. Nguyen, and C. Caloz, “Superluminal group velocity in CRLH transmission line metamaterials,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Montréal, QC, Jul. 2006, pp. 377–379.
[719] M. Coulombe, A. Rennings, and C. Caloz, “Analysis of 1D clustered dielectric particle (CDP) waveguiding structures,” in Symp. Antenna Tech. Appl. Electromagn. (ANTEM), Montréal, QC, Jul. 2006, pp. 373–376.
[720] J.-D. Lacasse, C. Caloz, J.-J. Laurin, M. M. Gavrilovic, Y. Brand, Y. Demers, and P. de Maagt, “Loss-reduction and dispersion control for minimum beam squinting in infinite-wavelength CRLH beam forming networks,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Jul. 2006, p. 544, invited.
[721] A. Rennings, C. Caloz, and I. Wolff, “A novel clustered dielectric cubes metamaterial (CDC-MTM),” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Albuquerque, NM, Jul. 2006, pp. 483–486.
[722] J. C. Iriarte, I. Ederra, R. Gonzalo, A. Gosh, J.-D. Lacasse, J.-J. Laurin, C. Caloz, Y. Brand, M. M. Gavrilovic, D. Yves, and P. de Maagt, “EBG superstrate for gain enhancement of a circularly polarized patch antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Albuquerque, NM, Jul. 2006, pp. 2993–2996.
[723] F. P. Casares-Miranda, C. Camacho-Peñalosa, and C. Caloz, “Active composite right/left-handed leaky-wave antennas,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Albuquerque, NM, Jul. 2006, pp. 23–26.
[724] C. Caloz, Y. Horii, M. Coulombe, and A. Rennings, “Realization of left-handed metamaterials with clustered dielectric particles,” in IEICE Society Conf., Hokkaido, Japan, Jul. 2006, pp. 47–51.
[725] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Simple-design and compact MIM CRLH microstrip 3-dB coupled-line coupler,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), San Francisco, CA, Jun. 2006, pp. 1733–1736.
[726] A. Rennings, S. Otto, and C. Caloz, “Stable and efficient time-domain simulation of metamaterials with an extended equivalent circuit (EEC) graded mesh FDTD,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), San Francisco, CA, Jun. 2006, pp. 1069–1072.
[727] C. Caloz, F. P. Casares-Miranda, and C. Camacho-Peñalosa, “Active metamaterial structures and antennas,” in Mediterranean Electrotech. Conf. (MELECON), Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain, May 2006, pp. 268–271, invited.
[728] H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz, “Metamaterial-based dual-band six-port front-end for direct digital QPSK transceiver,” in Mediterranean Electrotech. Conf. (MELECON), Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain, May 2006, pp. 363–366, invited.
[729] C. Caloz, “Novel passive and active transmission line metamaterial devices,” in Symp. Mater. Res. Soc. (MRS), San Francisco, CA, Apr. 2006, invited.
[730] A. Rennings, S. Otto, and C. Caloz, “CRLH extended equivalent circuit (EEC) FDTD method and its application to an open metamaterial-loaded resonator,” in Int. Rev. Prog. Appl. Comput. Electromagn. (ACES), Miami, FL, Mar. 2006, pp. 763–770, invited.
[731] E. Amyotte, Y. Brand, C. Caloz, Y. Demers, I. Ederra, M. Gavrilovic, A. Gosh, R. Gonzalo, J. C. Iriarte, J.-D. Lacasse, J.-J. Laurin, and P. de Maagt, “Metamaterial feed networks for membrane SAR antennas,” in Adv. SAR Workshop, Longueuil, QC, Nov. 2005.
[732] C. Caloz, “Latest trends in metamaterial antennas,” in NATO Workshop on EBG and MEMS technologies for antennas and front-ends, Siena, Italy, Oct. 2005.
[733] S. Otto, A. Rennings, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “Dual-mode zeroth order ring resonator with tuning capability and selective mode excitation,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Paris, France, Oct. 2005.
[734] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Principles and applications of dual-band operation in composite right/left-handed metamaterials,” in ESA Antenna Tech. Workshop Innov. Period. Antennas, New Dehli, India, Oct. 2005.
[735] C. Caloz, “The challenge of metamaterials homogeneization: new architectures and technologies for “real-artificial” materials,” in ESA Antenna Tech. Workshop Innov. Period. Antennas, New Dehli, India, Oct. 2005.
[736] Y. Horii and C. Caloz, “Super-compact composite right-/left-handed transmission line with vertically stacked left-handed unit cells,” in ESA Antenna Tech. Workshop Innov. Period. Antennas, New Dehli, India, Oct. 2005.
[737] C. Caloz, “Transmission line approach of metamaterials and some of their applications,” in Workshop on Metamaterials, Kanpur, India, Oct. 2005.
[738] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “DR-based composite right/left-handed transmission line,” in IEICE Society Conf., Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2005.
[739] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Novel metamaterial antennas and reflectors,” in Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica de Radio URSI, San Sebastian, Spain, Jul. 2005, invited.
[740] A. Lai, W.-Y. Wu, K. M. K. H. Leong, T. Itoh, and C. Caloz, “Quasi-optical manipulations of microwaves using metamaterial interfaces,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Washington, DC, Jun. 2005, invited.
[741] C. Caloz, C.-H. Ahn, and T. Itoh, “Analysis 2D finite-size metamaterials by the transmission matrix method,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Washington, DC, Jun. 2005, invited.
[742] C. A. Allen, K. M. K. H. Leong, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “A two-dimensional edge excited metamaterial-based leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Washington, DC, Jun. 2005.
[743] S. Otto, A. Rennings, C. Caloz, P. Waldow, I. Wolff, and T. Itoh, “Composite right/left-handed λ-resonator ring antenna for dual-frequency operation,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Washington, DC, Jun. 2005.
[744] A. Rennings, S. Otto, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “Enlarged half-wavelength resonator antenna with enhanced gain,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Washington, DC, Jun. 2005.
[745] C. Caloz and F. Taringou, “Prospects for nonlinear metamaterials,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Washington, DC, Jun. 2005, invited.
[746] A. K. Saha and C. Caloz, “Ideas for homogeneous ferrimagnetic tunable left-handed structures,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Washington, DC, Jun. 2005.
[747] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Left-handed behavior of capacitively coupled dielectric resonators for filter applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS) Workshop on Physics, Theory, Fabrication and Application of Microwave Metamaterials, Long Beach, CA, Jun. 2005, invited.
[748] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “CRLH metamaterials: transmission line theory, novel electromagnetic concepts and microwave applications,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Long Beach, CA, Jun. 2005.
[749] T. Itoh and C. Caloz, “Toward homogenization of metamaterials,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Long Beach, CA, Jun. 2005.
[750] Z. Ouardirhi, J.-J. Laurin, and C. Caloz, “Near-field based technique for composite right/left-handed media characterization,” in Int. Conf. Near-Field Charact. Imaging (ICONIC), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2005.
[751] C. Caloz, “Microwave devices based on composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line metamaterials,” in Journées Nationales Microondes, Nantes, France, Jun. 2005, invited (plenary talk).
[752] S. Otto, A. Rennings, C. Caloz, P. Waldow, and I. Wolff, “A matching technique for dual-band composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line resonator antennas,” in German Microwave Conf. (GeMIC), Ulm, Germany, Apr. 2005, pp. 70–73.
[753] A. Lai, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Microwave devices based on composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line metamaterials,” in IEEE Int. Workshop Antenna Tech. (IWAT), Singapore, Mar. 2005, pp. 69–72, invited.
[754] A. Lai, T. Itoh, and C. Caloz, “Electromagnetic metamaterials: microwave applications,” in Latsis Symp., Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar. 2005, p. 113, invited.
[755] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “CRLH metamaterials: transmission line theory and novel electromagnetic concepts,” in Latsis Symp., Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar. 2005, pp. 14–17, invited.
[756] S. Otto, A. Rennings, D. Kucsera, M. Vesterling, C. Caloz, and P. Waldow, “Dual-mode zeroth order CRLH ring resonator with tuning capability,” in Latsis Symp., Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar. 2005, p. 97.
[757] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, S.-M. Han, and T. Itoh, “A super-compact diplexer composed of multi-layered composite right/left-handed transmission lines,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), New Dehli, India, Dec. 2004.
[758] S. Otto, C. Caloz, A. Sanada, and T. Itoh, “A dual-frequency composite right/left-handed half-wavelength resonator antenna,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), New Dehli, India, Dec. 2004.
[759] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Microwave component applications of composite right/left-handed structures,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC) Tutorial on Left-Handed Metamaterials, Circuits and their Technical Applications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2004, invited.
[760] C.-J. Lee, C. Caloz, K. M. K. H. Leong, S. M. Han, and T. Itoh, “A planar broadband antenna for UWB pulse transmission,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2004, pp. 1330–1331.
[761] A. Sanada, M. Kimura, I. Awai, H. Kubo, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “A planar zeroth order resonator antenna using a left-handed transmission line,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2004, pp. 1341–1344.
[762] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Vertical multi-layered implementation of a purely left-handed transmission line for super-compact and dual-band devices,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2004, pp. 471–473.
[763] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Beamwidth tuning in a composite right/left handed (RDLH) leaky-wave antenna using non-uniformly biased varactors,” in IEEE European Microw. Conf. (EuMC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2004, pp. 1077–1080.
[764] Y. Horii, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Compact multi-layered left-handed transmission line,” in IEICE Society Conf., Tokushima, Japan, Oct. 2004, p. 75.
[765] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Microwave applications of metamaterial structures,” in IEICE Society Conf., Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2004, pp. 135–138, invited.
[766] M. Kang, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Miniaturized MIM CRLH transmission line structure and application to backfire-to-endfire leaky-wave antenna,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Monterey, CA, Jun. 2004.
[767] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Unusual propagation characteristics in CRLH periodic structures,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Monterey, CA, Jun. 2004.
[768] C. Caloz, C.-J. Lee, D. R. Smith, J. B. Pendry, and T. Itoh, “Existence and properties of microwave surface plasmons at the interface between a right-handed and a left-handed media,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Monterey, CA, Jun. 2004.
[769] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Constant-frequency voltage-scanned reflecto-directive system,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Monterey, CA, Jun. 2004.
[770] C. Caloz, A. Lai, and T. Itoh, “Wave interactions in a lh mushroom structure,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propag. (APS), Monterey, CA, Jun. 2004, invited.
[771] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “A continuously-electronically-scanned leaky-wave antenna using series and shunt varactors,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Fort Worth, TX, Jun. 2004, pp. 313–316.
[772] C. A. Allen, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Leaky-waves in a metamaterial-based two-dimensional structure for a conical beam antenna application,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. (IMS), Fort Worth, TX, Jun. 2004, pp. 305–308.
[773] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Metamaterial structures for microwave circuit components,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Pisa, Italy, May 2004, pp. 954–956, invited (plenary talk).
[774] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “Particular effects in composite right/left-handed materials: losses, finite size, varactors,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Pisa, Italy, May 2004, pp. 885–887, invited.
[775] C. Caloz, S. Lim, C. A. Allen, and T. Itoh, “Leakage phenomena from negative refractive index structures,” in URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theo. (EMTS), Pisa, Italy, May 2004, pp. 156–158, invited.
[776] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “1D and 2D leaky-wave antennas based on metamaterials concepts,” in ESA Antenna Tech. Workshop Innov. Period. Antennas, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Mar. 2004, pp. 167–174, invited.
[777] S. Lim, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Metamaterial-based electronic antennas,” in CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 2004, p. 118, invited.
[778] A. Sanada, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “Characteristics and applications of planar negative refractive index media,” in Microwave and Workshop Exhibition (MWE), Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 2003, pp. 61–66, invited.
[779] C. Caloz, A. Sanada, and T. Itoh, “Microwave applications of transmission-line based negative refractive index structures,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 2003, pp. 1708–1713.
[780] A. Sanada, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, “A novel zeroth order resonance in composite right/left-handed transmission line resonators,” in IEEE Asia Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 2003, pp. 1588–1592.
[781] C. Caloz and T. Itoh, “A quick overview of novel metamaterials and applications,” in Workshop on Microwave